The Magnifying Mind



4 responses to “The Magnifying Mind”

  1. John Avatar

    In LOST there were so many subtle clues that indicated the main characters lives were shaped by forces far beyond their control, and that every encounter and seemingly insignificant detail were part of a larger, divine plan.

    The island itself became a metaphor for the “Magnifying Mind”. Seemingly random occurrences and items (like the hatch, the numbers, or the black smoke) had profound spiritual and philosophical significance.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      True. It has been some time since I thought about that show or watched it. I remember when it cane out. I would go to blockbuster video and renting the whole season on VHS, cook up a couple pizzas in the oven, then watch the entire season in one sitting. I never thought about this being similar in nature, because my journey started out with Love not an airplane. My sequence of events is looking and taking stalk of Love in the world. Seeing and finding God. Participating in love, asking what else God was. Looking for that and taking stalk account of what else I saw God doing, then adding and participating in t ohat. Leading me into a much greater awareness of miracles, seeing them, then doing them, then comprehending an even larger system at work such as the Merkabah, and many many many others. Seeing them, talking stalk of that, and participating in that to lead, synching my life with celestial objects and participating in their flow, expanding ever greater and greater all the while still seeing love, talking account of it, and participating in it. I never stopped doing the first step that led me to seeing God, whom I call THE DUDE. I still do that, and all the other steps, I have been doing it so long, it has become my primary nature. I don’t consciously do them anymore. I am perpetually in that flow.

  2. Alan Dobbs Avatar
    Alan Dobbs

    I thank George for bringing me your site.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      Glad you could stop by. Please tell George, I said thanks for the plug.



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