I want to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas.
From the Book of John, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
I was on an online forum for a few moments on Sunday. I don’t go to them very often. I watching these people debate about Jesus The Christ and Faith and Works. One saying it is only by faith, another saying it is by works and yet another saying it is by Faith + Works. Saying Faith and works is the magic combo to get you salvation. I rarely interfere with these debates. I felt moved by The Spirit to inject because none of them mentioned Love. It was completely a legal argument. Love is the first word in total of all the commandments. Love is the first word. Love is not the second, 4th or 5th word. Love is the first word. Love is the First commandment and Love is the Second Commandment. Where Love is not first? Faith and works are nothing. GOD IS LOVE.
For God so loved the world, that he gave is only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Salvation is love.
It was Love coming from God that started the whole thing. It doesn’t say, For God so helped the world. It doesn’t say, For God so wanted faith in the world that he gave His only begotten son. It doesn’t say For God so Hoped the world. Nor does it say, For God so faithfully served the world. No, it says For God so Loved the world. The first 2 commandments for humans start the same. Love and Love. To me, it was in seeing Love first, that lead me to seeing God and in seeing God and His love, I was reborn. GOD IS LOVE. Then it was doing acts of Love like God and that is how He entered into me and I entered into Him. It is that same Supernatural Love that brought me everywhere I have been. The Story of Christmas is about Supernatural Love not Heven and hell. The story of Christmas is about Supernatural Love, not about humans and sin. The Story of Christmas is about Supernatural Love, not about faith, works and deeds. It’s not about wise men and Shepards. It’s not about presents, do dads and tinsel on a Tree.
Christmas is the Greatest Love Story ever told. The Astoundingly Miraculous Love.
I have studied all the other world religions. So much so. Everything from Hebrew, Babylon religions, I have read The Talmud, Kabbalah, Hermetic Orders, Muslim, Zen Budah to Tao, to Zoroaster, Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythology. I have studied Aztec, Myan and other native American beliefs and many others including native Alaskan Eskimo legends. If there was no Christ? I’d be a Shaman. Even still, all the Shaman I know love Jesus. None of these other religions tell the same Astoundingly Miraculous Love Story of Christmas. Some have offshoots variants, and I can give an example: Zues got Alcmene pregnant, and she had Hercules. Hercules was super strong and kicked everyone’s ass and was deemed a hero. The difference between God and Mary and the birth of Christ and Zues getting Alcmene pregnant is easy to tell. Zues getting Alcmene pregnant was act of lust for a woman. Not the same as For God So loved the world. Big difference. It isn’t Gods love or lust for Mary that He came down in Spirit form and made her pregnant. It is God’s love for the world and everyone in it.
around 4 years ago, I was down at Mulketeo beach watching the ferries and sea lions out in the sound. I had some things on my mind that were distracting me in life. Some things I really wanted in life and some things I was struggling with. I got the idea to write them all down on a helium balloon and let it go. I got this idea from watching a little girl lose her helium balloon and she stood there and watched it fly away until she couldn’t see it anymore. Then she turned to her mom and said it’s all gone now. So, I did that. I went to the store and got a helium balloon and a sharpie. I wrote every want and desire on one side of the balloon and other all the stuff I was struggling with in my life at the time. I walked down to the edge of the shore and said God I’m going to give you all these things to handle. Please take them from me. They all belong to you now, Lord! DUDE, this is all your business to figure out. I am not going to worry about them anymore. Then I let the balloon go with all my wants, desires and problems. I watched it float away until I couldn’t see it anymore. Once I couldn’t see the balloon anymore. I said in my best little boy voice; it’s all gone now. I’m going to go help other people now that none of that other stuff isn’t my problem to figure out anymore. Helping people, that I can do. That is something I am good at.
9 months later, I am standing out there Infront of my office one morning on Holgate and Airport Road early in the morning. Nobody around. I was talking to Double Happiness. I paused and said Yo DUDE! How is it going with that stuff I gave you on that balloon a while back? I haven’t heard anything back yet. I paused for a few moments, not really expecting a reply. All the sudden this ballon comes flying down from the sky and bonks me right in the head.
I laughed so hard I spilled coffee all over myself. I said Ok, Cool. DUDE! I didn’t expect You to send me a balloon back! Thanks! I got the message.
Tomorrow. Wednesday, I will be busy about The Greatest Love Story ever told. I will return after Christmas.
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