Power Anomaly


15 responses to “Power Anomaly”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Someone local texted me and said I wonder if the local military station up in the mountains pulled all the juice from the city doing something?

    I said That is a very good question.

    1. John Avatar

      That’s funny. I read Sean David Morton’s first novel just over a year ago and vaguely remember Everett drained the local power to eliminate an object in space. The station was a backup to “the place” in Nevada.

      I’m not suggesting anything other than it’s an interesting text. 🙂

      1. John Avatar

        Correction, it was Bangor in the book.

  2. Andy Avatar

    The power went out for 3 cities. Stanwood and Lake Stevens as well.

    I am not sure what to think, because it was the exact moment i put my feet on the ground it went out for 3 cities and the exact moment i took my feet off the ground it was restored.

    I don’t know if i am just insynch that much with life, or it was a Dew or what. I slept kike a baby last night and woke up feeling like a Million Dollars this morning. And That is what it would take for me to move to San Diego.

    Nee experiance, interesting. More will be revealed. It made me think about when i left snohomish washington and went to Palm Desert prior to covid last night.

  3. John Avatar

    I passed through San Diego three times, it seemed like a nice city and so sunny. You might have more experience there from the Navy though. I wonder if an Orange Dodge is in the near future.

    I’ve only been to WA once when I worked in Bellevue for a few days. I wandered around Redmond and Seattle the afternoon before my flight home. It seemed like a lovely area. It was bright so early in the day and looking out at Mount Rainier was so nice in the morning.

    It seems like there’s some hype again starting up about a new flu. Maybe a change of air would be refreshing.

    1. Andy Avatar

      I know people down there. I almost ran a resturant on Corinado Island. Im good friends with the Onwer. I told THE DUDE, if ya want me to go, I need the resorces to do so. I will look to that provision as a sign to go. I need a new car and a few other things and cash to make it all happen. So, I wait on those things to be provided first to make it happen.

      Last night was very eerily similar another experiance i had prior to Covid.

      Which right before Covid, I recieved a brand new Chrysler 300 SRT8 and hauled ass out of town with a big stack of cash.

      Perhaps, I will write about that later today. I just got to the gym. Bellevue is nice. I prefer the sunshine and palm trees. I thrive better in warmer sunny climates. The rain and shit weather is a drag.

      Catch ya later John.

    2. Andy Avatar

      Funny you should mention the Orange Dodge. The same exact car is in the movie The Fall Guy. Based on the Tv show. On Amazon Prime.

      I watched it the other night and laughed. Hey that is the same car from my dream. Burnt Orange Doge Demon. Same exact car.

      I laughed for a while.

      I have only seen it in my dream and there was one parked at Eagle Mountain Ranch one day when we had a wedding there. 1100 Horsr power. Top speed 205 mph.

      Burnt orange.

      Its a beast. Most men can drive a car like that. Its scary fast.

    3. Andy Avatar

      This is the car that i was driving in that dream. It has not sold in the last 8 months.

      If that dream is true, i will be in this car. Same exact color. Same exact car. Only seen that color of Doge one other time besides my dream. I never seen that color on one before my dream. I don’t know how i could afford to buy it. That being said, It THE DUDE Wills it So? It is So.


      1. David Avatar

        The signs appear promising. Upon reflection your dream car is in a color of Christian democracy. It is marketed by a firm of crowned logo located on a kingly drive. Their urban locale originally named after St. Bonaventure might be translated as “good fortune”.

        1. Andrew Avatar

          Coool David! Thank you!

  4. John Avatar

    I’ve never had a significant power anomaly like you experienced. The past several days for me have been a series of car hood sensor alarm problems, the dryer blowing a fuse, and an air fryer popping the circuit breaker. I guess it came in three.

    Long ago a female friend and I would unexpectedly run into each other we’d feel this electric spark and suddenly whatever we were in would lose power (buses, stores…).

    1. Andy Avatar

      What a trip dude. I don’t ever remember the power going out like that. The whole thing was peculiar as in not normal. The thing was it happened as my foot touched the ground and as soon as my feet stopped touching the ground the power came back on. I read somewhere I think in Chi-gon where masters will pull energy from the world around them. Some of them lived 60 years and never ate and only slept an hour a day.

      I don’t know if I pulled power from the world around me unintentionally.

      Prior to that Power Anomaly, My record time for doing 250 pushups and 200 sit ups was 55 minutes flat. That is the best I could do. You are busy in that amount of time. I do 25 pushups on the push up tree, then do 20 sit ups right after, then move the handle up one notch (about 4 inches) and 25 more push ups and 20 sit ups, then rest for 30 seconds and keep going till I go up 5 notches, 25 push ups and 20 sit ups, then start going back down to the floor again. I rest about the 4th set for quite a while. Your chest and arms and abs start getting tired.

      Most men these days cant do 25 push ups let alone 20 sit ups.

      I am pretty fit. I love the Iron Sanctuary. Even doing 250 pushups and 200 sit ups in under an hour puts me in the top 99% Men in the world. I am built like a brick house at age 54.

      Tonight, I went to the gym and its chest and abs day. I did my routine, and I did 250 push ups and 200 sit ups in 27:29:11. Cutting my record time in exactly half. I just flew through my workout like it was nothing. I was covered in sweat. The girl that works at the gym was watching me and said WOW! You blow my mind. I dont know anyone else that works out here that could do what you just did. How many push ups and sit up did you do? I said 250 push ups and 200 sit ups. I just put on my tunes, turn my ballcap backwards, everything else melts away and I get busy.

      I set my timer and placed my hoody over it, so I couldn’t see it. After my last set of sit ups, I hit the button and read 27:29:11.

      Since Friday. Doing absolutely nothing different, I cut my time in half on pushups and sit ups. I could do 500 pushups and 400 sit ups in under an hour if I kept going. It wasn’t intentional. I just happened.

      All that happened since the power anomaly. Pretty wild. Must be a reason for it.

      1. John Avatar

        As a side note, my car mechanic said this afternoon that he’s gotten more electrical problems to work on and he’s only been back from vacation for two days.

        He’s a guy who I often run into on random shopping trips all over the city so our patterns are somewhat in sync.

        1. Andrew Avatar

          Interesting, I have been hearing that a lot lately too from other people.

          Many people are also saying… well my friend Holly says it best, The Energy is strange right now. I feel like I am stuck in low gear, and I am drinking so much water. I have had 4 very gifted friends tell me I am waking up at 2am on the dot, super thirsty, run down to the kitchen and guzzel two glasses of ice water and then I can’t get back to bed. I been feeling that too. I bet I drink over a gallon of water a day. I wake up from sleeping and drink it.

          You notice that as well John?

          1. John Avatar

            Yes, I’ve been drinking a lot of water lately. If I don’t drink that quantity of water, I get dehydration headaches.

            I’ve been waking up at 2am for a while now but I’d thought it was because my body became accustomed to check a site that midnight Central (2am for me) but maybe there’s more.



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