


5 responses to “Power”

  1. John Avatar

    Poverty is another example. When people or communities don’t have the access to basic needs like healthcare, education, or jobs, they often feel helpless. Those in power, like government officials or business leaders, can take advantage of this by exploiting them because the poor have little power to fight back.

    Without the power to improve their situation their moral compass might become warped because survival instincts kick in and there’s no power to change their circumstances. People might turn to crime or unethical actions just to survive.

    1. Andy Avatar

      In the Old King James Bible, the word –> Virtue translates to Power.
      In the Holy Book I had full of the Vatican Secret Knowlege, Signed by Pope Leo XIII on 06 April 1879, one of 73 total printed —> the word Vocation translates to Soul.

      Things are in motion John, The new bordar Czar said recently he will deputize every single American Citizen to locate the missing 340,000 ++ children who are missing due to being trafficked. The last thing I said to Trump directly when He won was: Free The Children! Bring the Hammer of Justice on their behalf.

      The overall language of the entire planet has shifted in a new direction. One would have to be blind to not see it. Those who berate often hate themselves.



    2. Andy Avatar

      I have been inviting the same Power that Resurected Christ back to life, That same Power that brought me back to life 12 times now, (I have had 12 Near Death Experiances in this life time) into the Economy of The United States and into citizens lives of this nation.

      I have been wooing that same Resurection Power to bring about the Greatest World Revival ever witnessed in this Age. I have also been wooing that same Resurection Power to bring about The Greatest Renaissance the world has ever experianced.

      The old world narative was cast into the bon fire and i watched it burn to ash and dust. A new notebook was provided the first three words written in the new narative are.

      GOD IS LOVE.

      That is where this journey begins.

  2. RJ Avatar

    Thank you Andy for sharing your thoughts via your stories. I’m learning a lot.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      You are most welcome. As am I.



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