There is a certain safety and security walking close with God. When you walk close with God, God has your back. Sometimes God will just remove people from your life that are not for your good. I don’t ever question that. In God we Trust. I Trust God. God knows the stuff I don’t. God goes to battle for those He Values and Protects. God protects those who are His. Especially His Chosen people which has nothing to do with race, creed or culture. God Judges a man by his Heart. I am sure you all have heard the proverb, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.”
Some never learn their lesson when it comes to picking a fight with Gods Chosen people. They mistakenly think they are screwing over a person and not see God standing there with them. For example, back in July of 2022 Coinbase screwed me out of a lucrative purchase and held my purchase until after the coin rocketed to the stratosphere then when it sold off to its lowest, they came through on the deal. They held my purchase for 30 days and processed it after it was all sold off and screwed me out of potentially making $745,000, They said Well sometimes these purchases take time, and you have your crypto now. I said uhhh yeah. and in February 2023 they posted a $568 million in Q4 loss. Good for them. They just screwed me again out of $89 a couple weeks ago I sent some cryptos to my wallet and they disappeared. I got a bunch of excuses, and I still don’t have them. So, I said OK, I trust you God. I am sure God will repay. Then last night I received a random check for an over payment for a service I used a couple years ago for $1279. Sweet! Thanks God. God always repays.
I have seen hundreds of examples of this sort of thing. I even once had a Luciferian say to me, “If I was Satan? I’d Kill you!” 2 weeks later that person was dead, hit by a car crossing the street. I have seen firsthand, God snuff the life out of a few people that screwed me over. More than a few times. I am still very much alive and well. I walk close with God whom I call THE DUDE. People think they are so clever having never experienced anything like the Eric Church Miracle. Everything is working to God’s advantage and God is working to the advantage of His Chosen. Even my mistakes and everyone’s mistakes, intentional or not, no matter the size of their wealth or power or title or appointed position. All working to Gods Advantage. The Wisdom of men is foolishness in Gods site.
A few years ago, I was in madly in love with this girl. Truly In love for the first time since my second wife. We had made plans to move her over to the Seattle area and I getting a nice condo and making good money for the Union. Everyone was excited for us. One day when I was talking to her, she said something. Then another fella I had considered a brother called and said the exact same thing verbatim. I thought oh that is odd and I let it go. Then it happened a couple more times, I would talk to her on the phone and this other fella would call me 5 minutes later and say the same thing verbatim again. I asked her are you talking to “mister mister”? she said absolutely not. I don’t know his number. He is your friend not mine. why would I talk to him? I said ohhh okay, no worries. just had a hunch. She rolled her eyes and change the subject.
I went over to Suprise her and when I got there, she was scrubbing something written in black sharpie on her mirror in her bathroom. I said what is that? What did it say? She said nervously, Oh that has been up there for a while. I said no it hasn’t. I was over here last week and that mirror had nothing written on it. She said my daughter wrote it. It just a love thing from my kid. I said oh okay. cool. We had a fun night. The next day I went and saw this fella who was like a brother to me to tell him all about her moving over and in and how exciting everything was. We were starting this beautiful life together and were in Love. When I got to his house, I had to use the bathroom. I walked in his bathroom and looked; he had something written on his mirror with a sharpie in girls handwriting. I said Hey what is that on your bathroom mirror? He looked nervously at me and said Oh some girl I had a one-night stand with wrote that. Then he said something that my girlfriend said to me that morning. The exact same thing verbatim. I started getting pissed and said Well it was good to see ya. I am got to go run and do a few things. He said I will be here all day stop back by later if ya want. I said O.K. Sounds good.
I left his place and decided to drive back to her place. She was at work, but I had a key. I stopped at a gas station and said to God, Am I seeing this right? Is my friend who has always been like a brother to me screwing my girl? Right then a car that was the same exact color, make and year as his pulled up next to me. A fella who looked just like him got out of the car with a girl who just like her, and he slapped her on the ass as they were going into the gas station store.
I went back to her place, and she left me a note on the kitchen counter. The note said the same exact thing that was written on the mirror in his bathroom with a black sharpie pen. I sat there for a while. I was heartbroken. My guts hurt. I just put a $3000 deposit down on a brand-new condo for her and I to move into. I had reserved a uhal and even was out shopping for engagement rings once with her. I was in love! Now, I want you to know, I am man of God but I also know the Cowboy Code: So, I decided to go over to his house, and you know…. shoot him in the leg. I wasn’t going to kill him, he was like a brother to me, but I decided to go over and shoot him in the leg for screwing my girl and messing up our dream life together. I figured he would get the picture, don’t be screwing my girl. Good reminder. I pulled my .45 out, pulled a couple hollow points off and put in a couple round nose in the magazine. I got in my car and headed back over to his place.
On the way over to his place my buddy Kirk calls me. I have known Kirk for over 30 years. He is good man. Good friend. He knows the cowboy code. Don’t take anything that aint yours, Don’t screw your buddy’s girl, even if it is his ex. Work hard and Stand tall. Tuff it out. etc. etc. He says, hey what are you up to? I said Well, I am pretty sure “mister mister” is screwing my girl. This is like a 4 piece puzzle a 3-year-old could put together. So, I’m on my way over to his house to you know….. shoot him in the leg. I am not going to kill him, but you know cowboy code. That way he doesn’t make that mistake again. Kirk starts laughing and says that is great! Can you stop by really quick before you go over there, my place is on the way and help me with something. I said sure. I think mister mister is going be there all day. I stopped by Kirks, and I help him do some stuff. Kirk says to me, you know Andy, for all his faults, he has been like a brother to you, I don’t think “mister mister” would do that to you. I know he knows you love that girl and have big plans and are setting up a home and all that. Why don’t you just ask him. I said Ask him??? Kirk says, Give him the benefit of the doubt. He said leave your pistol here, go over there and ask him. If you don’t like what he says or its obvious, come back over and get your pistol and handle your business. I said Ok I will do that.
I drive over there look him in the eyes and said Are you screwing my girl. He looked away, down and to the left. Looked me back in the eye and said we are brother’s dude; I would never screw your girl. I swear to God. I said Well we always been like brothers and you deserve the benefit of the doubt. I will take you at your word. I looked him in the eye, shook his hand and drove back over to Kirks and got my pistol back from him. I decided on the way over kirks I didn’t need this stuff with her rolling around in my head, so I went and broke up with her and she was pretty pissed about it.
5 months later I am sitting in a hotel in Jackson Hole Wyoming, having a cup of coffee and enjoying my day. I get a phone call. Its good buddy Kirk. Kirk says Hey! Where are you? I said Jackson Hole, Wyoming drinking black coffee and looking at all the rich people pretending to be cowboys. What’s up dude? Kirk says to me, did you hear about “mister mister”? I said I haven’t talked to him in about 5 months now. why? What happened? Kirk says, last night, He went to go clean his pistol and accidentally shot himself in the leg. I said what? Kirk said it again, He went to go clean his pistol and accidentally shot himself in the leg. I said wow, that is interesting. Kirk then says, did you ever find out if he was screwing your girl? I said Yes sir, I think I just did.
Kirk says whatever happened to your girl? Is she in Jackson Hole with you? I said no, I broke up with her. I never would be able trust her again even if she wasn’t lying after all that. Kirk laughs says hmmmmm sounds to me like “mister mister” did ya a favor. Thank God ya didn’t move her over and buy her a car, and a ring. I said totally! Kirk says, well he is in the hospital for a while, maybe ya ought to send him a nice Thank you card. Throw in $20 pre-paid Goodwill Thift store gift cards so he can go get some more handme downs once his leg all heals up. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I said Brilliant Idea! Then Kirk started singing I’m gonna pop some tags, Only got twenty dollars in my pocket. We had a good laugh about all that. I said I hope his leg takes a while to heal. Maybe give someone a chance at Love.
To this day, my friend who was like a brother to me who name is withheld and named “mister mister” in this true to life story, still has no idea I was on my way over there that day to shoot him in the leg for screwing my girl. I never talked to him or her again. I hope them nothing but the best in life. Thank Goodness for Angels Like Kirk and The Power of God to handle matters on the behalf of His chosen people.
9 responses to “God and The Cowboy Code”
Maybe you the reader may think this is all some uncanny coincidence?
Here is 3 more examples
When i started work at the mines in soda springs. This guy was trying to fight me. I wasnt doing anything wrong i could have easily whipped his ass. So i decided not to fight him. When that didnt work he tried to get me fired with a lie he told the boss. I heard God tell me to call in sick one day. I called in sick and that very night the Boss caught him doing exactly what he lied about me doing and he got fired.
When i left the mines in soda springs. I put in for my last 10 days of vacation that i had earned. The bosses said they werent going to pay me for it. Even though I earned it. The Union Steward wouldnt back me because he had no back bone.
2 months after all that. Every single Boss in the office at that mine was fired. They all lost their jobs except one and he was demoted to a lower position.
I went to Palm Desert California on vacation for my birthday. I wanted to move back there. I got a lot of ojection from friends down there to moving back. Saying i couldnt afford it. A friend I left some stuff with threw out all my stuff. The whole thing was weird. Like they did everything to convince and detour me moving back there. Almost everyone i knew there was working overtime to get me to leave.
In frustration i said Fine! I wont move back to Palm Desert! I packed my stuff and left. 8 hours later Huricane Hillary decimated the entire cochella valley. Worst flood damage they ever had there in over 100 years there.
THE DUDE! ya know? He Knows all, Sees all. Hears all and well, THE DUDE always pays back. HE is very protetive of His Chosen People. Especially The Citizens of The One Kingdom.
I haven’t heard of cowboy code. It sounds like what we call up my way as the bro code.
I watched a Dennis Quaid show on the Hopi and Blue Star kachina. It was an interesting education on kacinas.
I’ve had a few people burn me a few times, my family too. For most I cut ties and don’t know what happened to them afterwards. I believe in karma though.
I don’t subscribe to the belief in Karma. I believe in God’s Amazing Grace. I fully accept, Christs sacrifice on the cross for my sins and the sins of many. If Karma was real? Then there would have not been any reason for Christ Sacrifice on the Cross for the redemption of sinners. If Karma was real Christs sacrifice would mean nothing. Karma is an automated system. Karma is not The Power of God. Karma says you don’t need the power of God it is all an automated system. It has been my experience The Power of God is very real. I have been giving examples over and over on this site of The Power of God to perform the Miraculous. If karma was a real thing, The Power of God to perform the Miraculous would not be a thing. And Yet the Power of God is very real.
If Karma was a real thing? The Power of Love would not exist. Karma is a fancy excuse for those who are blind to The Power of God. Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day to nullify every sacrifice, even death and Usher in continuity and relationship between God and His Children. The salvation of Christ proves that karma isn’t real.
The Luciferians believe in Karmic debt accumulated over many lifetimes. Jesus said I paid the price for it all of it. There is no Karmic debt. You are Truly free. Not even death can separate you from Gods love.
The examples in the above experience and all the other miracles I have witnessed and participated about the undeniable, indisputable Power of God. not karma.
Karma tells you its all plug and play.
Karma is a poor man’s excuse. Through Grace, I enter into audience with the King of The Universe. I am a citizen of His Kingdom. The One Kingdom.
As it is in heaven, so it is on earth.
I don’t believe in Karmic debt or karma in the literal Hindu or Buddhist sense as a cyclical and impersonal force, but it’s better called “Divine Justice”. Such as Romans 2:6-8, where GOD administers justice, so that people receive the consequences of their actions, or Galatians 6:7-8 where if you please the Holy Spirit you reap eternal life.
“Do unto others…” even has that bit of the idea of reciprocal influence, how what we do to others comes back to us in some form but it doesn’t really elaborate on it.
I understand. I believe in the laws of sowing and reaping. They are there for a reason and work in seasons. We work within the season those laws. I also believe the Constitution of the Gospel which an uninterrupted series of Miracles. The Constitution of the Gospel is the Law of Christ. The people who received those miracles where not the ones who found in favor by following the laws of karma. They were people who sins or debts were forgiven, not paid back by the laws of Karma.
It is your human right to believe whatever you choose. I will not try to sway you either way. Thank you for your honest reply. I published an old hopi story today. Enjoy!
The above story and examples are more about the Power of God to repay instead of taking things into our own hands. Trusting God and walkking close with God and leaning not on our own understanding to resolve issues on our behalf.
I have been wronged more than a few times in my life, when I give it to God, God lays the Hammer of Justice down that no man can deny.
I spose you are correct, john. Karma is for those who havent recieved the Salvation of Christ.
Miracles are for those whose sins are forgiven, having recieved the Salvation of Christ.
That makes sense.
It’s all good. I’d meant to mention God’s mercy too (of which I’m a huge believer) in but forgot to write my last sentence at the time.
You mentioned giving (it) to God and letting him deal with it (using God’s Hammer of Justice). That’s usually been my approach too, because either God’s results are better than what I could’ve thought of or it saved me from the consequences.
God Bless.
Correct, The same God, The Lord of Hosts, that wields The Hammer of Justice also gives out freely His Rightous Robe of Everlasting Peace along with The Crown of Eternal Life to all who accept it. With those come miraculous entitlements and treasures filled with value more vast than sum total of the stars.
Have a wonderful day John. Im heading to the gym, then see some friends.