God and The Cowboy Code



9 responses to “God and The Cowboy Code”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Maybe you the reader may think this is all some uncanny coincidence?

    Here is 3 more examples

    When i started work at the mines in soda springs. This guy was trying to fight me. I wasnt doing anything wrong i could have easily whipped his ass. So i decided not to fight him. When that didnt work he tried to get me fired with a lie he told the boss. I heard God tell me to call in sick one day. I called in sick and that very night the Boss caught him doing exactly what he lied about me doing and he got fired.

    When i left the mines in soda springs. I put in for my last 10 days of vacation that i had earned. The bosses said they werent going to pay me for it. Even though I earned it. The Union Steward wouldnt back me because he had no back bone.

    2 months after all that. Every single Boss in the office at that mine was fired. They all lost their jobs except one and he was demoted to a lower position.

    I went to Palm Desert California on vacation for my birthday. I wanted to move back there. I got a lot of ojection from friends down there to moving back. Saying i couldnt afford it. A friend I left some stuff with threw out all my stuff. The whole thing was weird. Like they did everything to convince and detour me moving back there. Almost everyone i knew there was working overtime to get me to leave.

    In frustration i said Fine! I wont move back to Palm Desert! I packed my stuff and left. 8 hours later Huricane Hillary decimated the entire cochella valley. Worst flood damage they ever had there in over 100 years there.

    THE DUDE! ya know? He Knows all, Sees all. Hears all and well, THE DUDE always pays back. HE is very protetive of His Chosen People. Especially The Citizens of The One Kingdom.

  2. John Avatar

    I haven’t heard of cowboy code. It sounds like what we call up my way as the bro code.

    I watched a Dennis Quaid show on the Hopi and Blue Star kachina. It was an interesting education on kacinas.

    I’ve had a few people burn me a few times, my family too. For most I cut ties and don’t know what happened to them afterwards. I believe in karma though.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      I don’t subscribe to the belief in Karma. I believe in God’s Amazing Grace. I fully accept, Christs sacrifice on the cross for my sins and the sins of many. If Karma was real? Then there would have not been any reason for Christ Sacrifice on the Cross for the redemption of sinners. If Karma was real Christs sacrifice would mean nothing. Karma is an automated system. Karma is not The Power of God. Karma says you don’t need the power of God it is all an automated system. It has been my experience The Power of God is very real. I have been giving examples over and over on this site of The Power of God to perform the Miraculous. If karma was a real thing, The Power of God to perform the Miraculous would not be a thing. And Yet the Power of God is very real.

      If Karma was a real thing? The Power of Love would not exist. Karma is a fancy excuse for those who are blind to The Power of God. Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day to nullify every sacrifice, even death and Usher in continuity and relationship between God and His Children. The salvation of Christ proves that karma isn’t real.

      The Luciferians believe in Karmic debt accumulated over many lifetimes. Jesus said I paid the price for it all of it. There is no Karmic debt. You are Truly free. Not even death can separate you from Gods love.

      The examples in the above experience and all the other miracles I have witnessed and participated about the undeniable, indisputable Power of God. not karma.

      Karma tells you its all plug and play.

      Karma is a poor man’s excuse. Through Grace, I enter into audience with the King of The Universe. I am a citizen of His Kingdom. The One Kingdom.

      As it is in heaven, so it is on earth.

      1. John Avatar

        I don’t believe in Karmic debt or karma in the literal Hindu or Buddhist sense as a cyclical and impersonal force, but it’s better called “Divine Justice”. Such as Romans 2:6-8, where GOD administers justice, so that people receive the consequences of their actions, or Galatians 6:7-8 where if you please the Holy Spirit you reap eternal life.

        “Do unto others…” even has that bit of the idea of reciprocal influence, how what we do to others comes back to us in some form but it doesn’t really elaborate on it.

        1. Andrew Avatar

          I understand. I believe in the laws of sowing and reaping. They are there for a reason and work in seasons. We work within the season those laws. I also believe the Constitution of the Gospel which an uninterrupted series of Miracles. The Constitution of the Gospel is the Law of Christ. The people who received those miracles where not the ones who found in favor by following the laws of karma. They were people who sins or debts were forgiven, not paid back by the laws of Karma.

          It is your human right to believe whatever you choose. I will not try to sway you either way. Thank you for your honest reply. I published an old hopi story today. Enjoy!

          1. Andrew Avatar

            The above story and examples are more about the Power of God to repay instead of taking things into our own hands. Trusting God and walkking close with God and leaning not on our own understanding to resolve issues on our behalf.

            I have been wronged more than a few times in my life, when I give it to God, God lays the Hammer of Justice down that no man can deny.

  3. Andy Avatar

    I spose you are correct, john. Karma is for those who havent recieved the Salvation of Christ.

    Miracles are for those whose sins are forgiven, having recieved the Salvation of Christ.

    That makes sense.

  4. John Avatar

    It’s all good. I’d meant to mention God’s mercy too (of which I’m a huge believer) in but forgot to write my last sentence at the time.

    You mentioned giving (it) to God and letting him deal with it (using God’s Hammer of Justice). That’s usually been my approach too, because either God’s results are better than what I could’ve thought of or it saved me from the consequences.

    God Bless.

  5. Andy Avatar

    Correct, The same God, The Lord of Hosts, that wields The Hammer of Justice also gives out freely His Rightous Robe of Everlasting Peace along with The Crown of Eternal Life to all who accept it. With those come miraculous entitlements and treasures filled with value more vast than sum total of the stars.

    Have a wonderful day John. Im heading to the gym, then see some friends.



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