Yesterday I was having a lovely chat with a few people in the comment section. I received confirmation that participation events are not just manifesting in my life but the lives of others who come to this site. John posted a reply and won a candy bar at the gas station. Connie posted a reply and received the answer to her prayer. Within seconds of posting a reply. I also received many good things and answers to prayers since I began. That shows me God is in this, more so than I. Small things become really Big Things in motion.
When I started this website creation, A friend posted the picture that is in its banner. I went to the site and purchased it for this website. The Holy Book Open. I placed it as my website banner on 10/11/2024 and on 11/13/2024 I received a Holy Book from a friend named Jewlz who knows I love old books. She didn’t know that it is one of 73 ever made, nor does she know that 33 days earlier that I posted the Image on my website prior to receiving it. And that I have book #8
God does stuff like this all the time in my life. All the time. I never really spent much time reading about the Catholic religion. I am a Christian but not in the conventional sense of; dress up nice, go to church on Sunday, hear the preacher and go home and put my bible back in the same spot. I spent countless hours reading my bible and praying and meditating every day. every day! On Friday night and Saturday, I spent a large part of the day reading this book, commissioned by the Vatican, Signed by Pope Leo XIII on 06 April 1879. In it there is many warnings about reading this book if you are not spiritually mature. That it is protected by The Queen of Heaven. If you are not found suitable and been tested, the book would drive you mad. Quite the stiff warning. “One must be saturated with Supernatural Love to read it.” It is filled with transcripts written since the start of the catholic church up to the point it was printed. It has everything from letters written to the Vatican by Knights who were on the front-line battles in the crusades to letters written by people who were given the title of Apostle, Saint and Seraph, by the Vatican throughout history. The outside of the book is encased in a green color, it looks just like a big stack of cash looks like bundled its bundled together.
I was reading this chapter titled: Miracles. The forward of the Chapter is written by an unknown author, and the entire rest of the chapter is written by Saint Francis Assisi in the year 1203. I had heard of Saint Francis of Assisi before, but I never really looked into who he was. I had read his prayer before a few times, but I never really looked into who Saint Francis was. When I was looking Saint Frances up, I discovered that December 3rd is Saint Frances Day. The chapter I had just about Miracles by Saint Francis was written in the year 1203 and Saint Frances Day is 12-03
As I was reading about Saint Francis, I read that one day (prior to him becoming a Saint) Francis decided to give away everything he owned and set out to find Jesus. To let Jesus be his everything. That is not an easy thing to do for anyone. What a Huge Leap of Faith that is. Nevertheless, Frances gave everything he owned but his clothes and set out to see what Jesus had for Him. Declaring Christ is all I need! I am sure all his friends thought he was nuts! I can hear them now, are you sure??? Are you crazy??! Let’s talk about this! You worked your whole life to get all this stuff. Despite all the rants of his friends and neighbors or any self-declared “Sane person at the time”, Francis Declared Christ words “Man does not live by bread alone but the very word of God.” and set out to make Christ is Everything keeping only His clothes. Later in Francis life He was credited a Saint among many other things, having experienced more miracles than most who ever lived on this planet can fathom, I assure you.
I did not know all this about Saint Frances until yesterday.
A little over 8 years ago. My friend whom I call a sister, I won’t mention her name here but if she wants to comment, that is up to her. Ya see she was dating this fella, and he beat her up bad, tried to kill her. She went to the battered women’s shelter. After being there some time, they placed her in a small 2-bedroom apartment with her son. She called me and told me about it and said will come see me? Please don’t tell anyone where I am at. I went over and she invited me in. She apologized for not having anywhere to sit but she was grateful she was safe. All she had in her little 2-bedroom apartment was some clothes for her and her son, a lawn chair and a mattress on the floor.
a few weeks go by, and I was going through some hard times myself, I was completely unsatisfied with how my life was going. I was a complete mess, and my life was in shambles. I thought to myself, I am going to set out to find God again and see what else He has for me in life. I figured I would put my stuff in storage and move in with a friend and take it from there. While I was sitting there in that place, I remembered my friend didn’t have anything but a lawn chair, a few clothes and a mattress on the floor. She was beat up and torn up and making the most of her situation. She was so grateful her and her son were safe. So, I decided that instead of putting all my stuff in storage I’d give it all to her.
I remember calling her and telling her, you can have all my stuff. She couldn’t even speak. She said I can’t take your stuff. Are you crazy? I said God will provide all that. You have a child to think about. You can have everything I own but my clothes. I said I have to go away for 30 days. I will give you the key to my place, you can come get some stuff and pick anything you want for your place and when I get back, I will get a uhal and we will haul all the rest of it to your place. She cried on the phone. She said are you crazy? I can’t take all your stuff! You can’t give it all to me. I said you will take everything you want, and I can give it to you! You have nothing and you have your son to think about. My buddy said the same things to me. Are you nuts? You have like $1500 mirrors in your place. Brand new $2500 couch. Brand new $1500 recliners new awesome $2200 TV, new dishes etc etc Have you lost your mind? I said I am going to find what God has for me. Her and her son have nothing, they need the stuff more than I do. I can’t just put it all in storage while she sits there beat up head to toe, in a 2-bedroom apartment on lawn chair in the dark with her son and nothing. God will provide everything I need.
When I got back to my place 30 days later, I rented a Uhal and her and some others came over and we hauled everything I owned to her little 2 bedroom apartment except a few items she didn’t want. I gave her my brand-new couch, the big expensive mirrors, the overstuffed chairs, Big TV, the breakfast nook, kids beds. Everything! except my clothes and a few mementos from my childhood. She said she didn’t need the pots and pans, dishes, the microwave or the coffee pot. So, I donated them to someone who helps other women who are starting over after living on the streets.
Prior reading the story of Saint Frances she messaged me a few weeks back and said, I am finally getting rid of that couch you gave me 7 years ago. I said Wow! It has been that long since I gave you everything? She said yeah dude! It worked good for 7 years. The last time I was at her place about 3 years ago, I was looking at myself in this huge, beautiful mirror and said Wow this is a really nice mirror! She laughed and said yeah dude! You gave that to me silly! I said oh yeah! I had forgot all about that. hahaha
After reading the story about Saint Francis and about Saint Francis Day, I looked back to see when it was that I gave her everything and discovered the day I rented the Uhal was on 03 December 2016 which happens to be Saint Francis Day and I didn’t even know that anyone else had ever done anything like that before. I could feel THE DUDE smile when I discovered that.
Now my life didn’t get amazingly better all at once after I did that. it was hard for a long time, and I struggled for a few years. I will tell you this much I never went without a place to live and I have lived in some beautiful Mansions. I never went without food. I never went without a car to drive except a 3 month period when I didn’t need a car to drive. I never went without clothes to wear. I never went without fellowship. I always had a gym membership, a good book, a cup of hot coffee and a pack of smokes. I never went a day without laughing and smiling.
From that day I gave away everything even eventually even the car I was driving at the time. I gave that car away to a homeless girl. God Gave me 3 brand new cars since then.
God Blessed me by helping me get clean and sober.
God Blessed me with Salvation.
God Blessed me with Fellowship.
God Blessed me with a Plan of Action.
God Blessed me with a new car.
God Blessed me with travel all over the world.
God Blessed me with a new home.
God Blessed my work.
God Blessed me with Love and Connection.
God Blessed me with a good bed everywhere I went.
God Blessed me with Eyes to See.
God Blessed me with Ears to hear.
God Blessed me with HIS Grace.
God Blessed me with Courage.
God Blessed me with Faith.
God Blessed me with Love.
God Blssed me with Strength.
God Blessed me with a Healthy Body.
God Blessed me with Money, lots of Money.
God Blessed me with a good bed and good rest.
God Blessed me with so many new friends.
God Blessed me with beautiful companions.
God Blessed me with everyday Heros.
God Blessed me with enemies.
God Blessed me with the ability to overcome my enemies.
God Blessed me with sooooo much Fun!
Even though I stumbled and fell, slipped here and there, God picked me up and blessed me anyway.
I seen a thousand beautiful sunrises and sunsets and God Blessed me.
Traveled all over and met so many people who consider me family even to places I knew not a single person there and God Blessed me!
I broke bread with the richest men in the world and some of the poorest and downtrodden I ever seen in life and God Blessed me!
I experienced countless True to Life Miracles, really too many to tell. Miracles happen every day in my life.
and the whole time! The Whole time! God Blessed me and kept me from harm!
The Biggest thing God did is, He taught me to love people where they are at, by Loving and Blessing me no matter where i was at and God Blessed me.
Ya see, this not a testament about how great I am. It is all about God and when I let go everything, God Blessed me so much more. I had no idea what I would awaited me on the other side of that moment: Where I gave away everything in a leap of faith. I just knew at the time; this wasn’t working for me I had to find God again and whatever else He had for me. I had all this stuff, and I wasn’t happy. There was this girl who had nothing but was just happy to be alive and that her son and her were safe. So, I gave her all my stuff and set out to find what God had for me. I have done that several times since. I packed my stuff and drove 13 hours away to a tiny town called soda springs to work and live in a place i didn’t know a single person and never had even heard of until the day before when someone mentioned the job to me. and it was one of the most wonderful experiences in life I ever had. The day I gave away everything was 8 years ago on 12-03-2016, Saint Francis Day this year is 12-03-2024, the same person who wrote the chapter on Miracles in the year 1203, in The Book the copy of which I have is #8, That I received 33 days after I put the image of a sacred book with Keys popping out of it up on my website. The day I gave away everything, 8 years later I received Everything Multiplied beyond Human compression! Only God, Whom I call THE DUDE can do such things. This is real life. This is life in The One Kingdom. My whole life is daily occurrences of such things and even bigger things. True to life Miracles!
It all started with looking for Love in the world, writing down what I saw, which lead me to seeing God in Spirit form. I could see how The Spirit of Good caressed the landscape of Humanity like the spring breeze moves the fresh new leaves on the trees.
9 responses to “Everything.”
I believe that the Saint days can have an important connection to our lives. A miracle happened for me once finding an item similar to your cd, except this happened in Malta.
It was Saint Paul of the Shipwreck church. Inside is the wristbone of Saint Paul and half of the column that he was beheaded on. We’d stumbled on the church by luck, a literal small nondescript sign leading me off the beaten path to an alley pointing to another sign and a very old plain wooden door.
It was hot so we returned to my ship a short time later before most everyone else because I’d learned of an underground tunnel shortcut. Probably about a half hour later my Dad and I were walking on a rarely travelled top corner of the ship and I found an item similar (or maybe the same item) that was supposed to be left in the church. This was only seconds after I after questioned out loud if I have time to return to the church and appreciate it and get a souvenir.
Considering the spot, time passed, and that this church wasn’t well known with tourists, I cannot believe it was a coincidence.
Flash forward a few years, I learn that the Saint Paul of the Shipwreck’s day is also my birthday, and that the Rembrandt poster print on my wall that I was given has been above my bed for years before this is of Saint Paul.
The item is a printed sheet of paper. It is nothing intrinsically valuable and couldn’t be easily reprinted and enclosed in similar plastic, in case someone is wondering why I still have it.
Wonderful experiance John. Beautiful! Very inspiring. God works in the mundane as much as in this relm. I call that realm, its like a world within this world “The One Kingdom.” It is realm most do not see. The reason i tell these true to life accounts is so that others also may enter there in.
Thanks John for sharing The Truth.
Imagin, if the whole of Humanity entered into The One Kingdom? And lived in harmony with all that is. It would be Heaven on earth.
I was talking to this Hopi Elder about all the stuff i find i call “The finger prints of God” (long before i knew there was a book with a similar title)
He says, what you need is a bucket. You can your stuff put in a bucket. Put all that stuff in a bucket and it will sing a story one day. I said a bucket? Huh.
A few weeks go by and im driving out on the Tulalip Indian rez to avoid traffic on I-5 nd low and behold, there on the side of the road is big pink bucket. I tured around and went back and got it. I was laughing so hard.
I messaged him and say hey I got my bucket you sent me on another indian rez. He started laughing and said that is a fine bucket. Perfect to hold your song.
I will tell a very old story he told me a while back, later this week. It was handed down from generation to generation and his grandmother passed it to him and passed it to me.
Im volentering at my church today. The 360 life church putting up Christmas Decorations. Have to be there at 10am.
Catch ya later John.
I think that is awesome you still have it. Its a real treasure. I asked THE DUDE what do I do with this book when I am done reading it? He said leave it on the doorstep of the Vatican. I said Ok, Cool, I will do that. Thanks!
My friend that needed prayer the other day was in dire straits with a horrendous infection, unbeknownst to her. In meditation I saw it as black, toxic, all exclusive growth.
I coaxed her to the ER and after two emergency surgeries she feels better – although it could be the painkillers talking lol!
So yesterday I was cleaning up after a vendor event when, on the floor where my next steps would have crushed it, was a pair of earrings. They were about 10 feet apart and I don’t know how I could have seen either.No vendors in sight.
The are little circles about 1/2 inch diameter with dark interior but little colorful bits like flowers inside. This is The image of what I see in meditation.
So I laughed and said thank you God and Andy for this gift.
I am grateful.
Wow! That is wonderful. Very cool. Very Cool!
Dont thank me. Truly, It is God doeth the work.
Prayers for your friends rapid recovery!
I had some similar experiances today when i went to church to help decorate for Christmas.
Really cool stuff. 🙂
She just texted me and said wow! I have grown so much since that day. She isnt even remotely the same person who was broken, beaten and torn up in that little 2 bedroom apartment that day.
She stood up for herself back then and she is a Bad Ass Boss Lady now. Confident, well rspected and held in High Esteme.
Im grateful i got to participate in that.
I just wanted you to all know.
Thank you for the list of blessings Andy. I’ll be coming back to this periodically. It helps me put things in perspective.
Of Course, You are most welcome. God is a Generous Giver.