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Doctor Dude!
I have lived lots of beautiful places and seen so many beautiful things. I always find a good spot to spend time with THE DUDE, praying, reading, contemplating, mediating and listening. I lived on Alki Beach for a year. I went to the same spot every day for 6 months. It has the most amazing view. Id park in my car there with my giant stack of books and journals that were my co-pilot for 4 years. Now I sit in the kitchen at my place and the microwave talks to me from 20 feet away while I pray. Cracks me up. It only does it when I am deep in prayer.
I had been working ton out at the stadiums doing shows and concerts night after night. One morning after a 16 day night in a row straight grind. Which is super fun, but you have to rest sometimes. I woke up early, but I didn’t want to go down to my spot and pray and meditate. I thought, I should go down there then I can rest the rest of the day. I got up made a pot of coffee, drank a few cups and ended back up in bed. I thought, I should go down to my spot and pray and meditate. I laid there for a while thinking I would just skip it today. God knew I was tired and been working a ton, I’m sure He was okay with me lying in bed all day watching movies. I laid there for a little while then I thought No, I need to go down to my spot and pray, read, contemplate, mediate and listen. I never miss it; it’s like eating or breathing it is such a big part of my life. So, I got up and took a shower and ended up back in bed. I laid there 20 minutes, and I felt it again, I need to go to my spot and pray, read, contemplate, mediate and listen. Finally, it was driving me nuts so much, I started getting angry and I thought, that is why ya need to go to your spot! I am literally lying in bed and arguing with myself. So, I got up put on some sweats, a sweater, my cowboy boots because I’m dang sure not going down there to win any fashion show today. I grabbed my keys, a cup of coffee and headed down to my spot. When I got, I saw the most amazing thing.

The sound was smooth as glass. The water looked like it was a shiny marble floor accross the sound to Seattle. I had never seen it like that before. It was breath taking. Not a single wave. I stood there and said, that is why you came down here today. You would have missed that had ya laid in bed all day. God wanted you to see that! I went and got my phone and took that picture of it. I went and got back in my car and as I shut the door, this older fella comes running up and knocks on my window. I put my window down and he says I’m really sorry to bother you. I see you down here every day for the last 6 months. I said yes sir, I come down here to pray, meditate and read every day then I pointed to my stack of books. He looked panicked and said can I ask you a huge favor?? I said sure. He said I’m out here for a run at the beach. I stopped about 5 miles back and used the public bathroom. I think I dropped my house and car keys and my wallet in the bathroom. I left my phone in my car. I don’t have them on me or my phone. I looked everywhere, can you pleeeeease give me a ride down there to the public bathoom about 5 miles back that way? I said you bet! Hop in. I moved my big stack of books into the back seat, and he climbed in, and we drove down there. He said I sure hope nobody picked them up. I just bought a brand-new tesla; my phone is in it and my laptop. My whole life is in my wallet. I said we will go look together, I’m pretty good at finding stuff.
We get down there and I parked. I said will come with you to help you find them. Right as he is pushing the bathroom door open another guy is opening it up and coming out. The fella looks at him and looks down at the ID in his hand then looks back at him and said Oh thank God you came back! I just found your keys, wallet in the bathroom. He had them in his hand. The fella who had lost his stuff grabbed the fella with the stuff in his hand and gave him a hug said thank you! thank you! Then turned around to me and gave me a hug and said thank you so much. You just saved my whole life! I thought cool, its good thing I decided to go down to my spot and pray and mediate today!
I gave the fella a ride to his new tesla and it had the brand new off the lot dealer paper tag in the window. On the way to his car, he told me he was a doctor. A surgeon and just wanted to step out of the hospital and go for a run. He was heading back to the hospital he was supposed to be in surgery soon. He looked like a doctor. He said, I come down here and run and see you sitting there in your car reading a book and praying. When I lost my keys, wallet and didn’t have my phone, I thought I probably dropped them in the public bathroom down the road. Then I thought of you and said I sure hope that guy is at his spot, maybe he can help me. I rounded the bend and saw your car and thought Oh thank God! I said Wow Dude! then I corrected myself and said ummm Doctor. uuhhh Dude. He roared laughing and said Doctor Dude! at your service! Laughed and he said I like that! and shook my hand and said thanks again! I said dude! you are welcome! He smiles and says Doctor and I said Dude! and he roared laughed again and said Doctor Dude it is! I said I’m super glad I could help. he looked at his watch and said I got to get; I have surgery in an hour. He got in his car and waved goodbye and left. I never saw him again down there. I had never seen him before that day and I never saw him again down there. I don’t even know this his name. Just Doctor Dude!
I didn’t even tell him; I almost didn’t go down there that morning. I laid around, got coffee, laid back in bed, got in the shower, laid back in bed, had a big argument with myself and farted around just enough, to be exactly where I needed to be. Right there right when the BIG DUDE needed me to be there for him. I had actually been waiting down there for 6 months at that spot for him and didn’t even know it.
I’ve seen and participated in this kind of stuff a thousand times in my life. I still have moments in my life where I wonder, am I doing this right? I’m sure THE DUDE laughs when I think that stuff. I had one of those moments earlier today where I thought, Am I where I need to be? Because If I took that job working for US Border Patrol, I’d be in training right now in New Mexico not here. But I decided not to do that and here I am. Then I remembered Doctor Dude and that made me smile. OfCourse, had I taken that job for US Border Patrol, I wouldn’t have done this website creation and you wouldn’t be reading these words, I wouldn’t have received that Book from the Vatican. I wouldn’t have had that moment with Gabriel, Michael and a blue star in the haystack sanding Infront of the door to the church, among many other wonderful things. I am glad I made the right choice. But I still have my moments where I think, Am I doing this right? haha I spose that makes me an honest human.
Update: I will post tomorrows content later today because I have plans on Friday for the weekend. I hope you all have an amazing weekend. I can update comments from my phone.
- Angels (10)
- Beyond Space and Time (13)
- Fulfillment. (42)
- Jedi (7)
- Life (55)
- Love (42)
- Miracles (42)
- Prophecy (24)
- Right on Schedule (35)
- THE DUDE (17)
- The Power of God (42)
- Treasure (42)
2 responses to “Doctor Dude!”
Everything you do has a huge butterfly effect, but if a surgeon has a bad day it can have a considerable immediate effect on someone else.
Yes. Its a good thing THE DUDE placed me right there at the right moment to help Doctor Dude get back on track.
I agree. 100% everything THE DUDE does through me changes everything. Butterfly effect.
I dont ever know if ya heard the story about how Seattle came into being or not. The public bathrooms where the Good Doctor lost his wallet and keys then found them with another fella and my help is the exact spot that the first settlers landed on beaches there. On November 13, 1851 25 Adults and 25 Children landed there on Alki Beach in a schooner. Same exact spot. They were the first settlers ever in what became Seattle.
They had no idea what awaited them, they were living off faith and prayer. They had no idea what kinds of animals where beyond the beach line into the woods. Their actions of prayer, faith, hope and courage gave birth to a sprawling metropolis over 2 million people in King County alone. They couldn’t even fathom at the time the invention of computers, cars, ferries, or flight.
And yet their due diligence of prayer, faith, hope and courage in action; produced the home of Largest Plane Manufacture of in the world: Boeing, it also produced the future home of Starbucks coffee, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Cray Super computers, The Seahawks Football team. The Kraken NHL Hockey team, The Sounders MLS soccer team, the home of Mariners MLB baseball team, where 58 thousand people would show up eat hot peanuts and cheer for Home runs! The future Home of Legends such as Bruce Lee, Jimmy Hendrix, Perl Jam, Macklemore and many others. A place of a countless laughter, joy, cheers and songs 173 years later. There has been countless untold real life love stories experienced, and movies made such as Sleepless in Seattle, and dancing and babies being born, and miracles experienced, as direct result of their acts of prayer, faith, hope and courage 173 years ago.
In their wildest imaginations and greatest dreams ever, they had could not even fathom what the result would be when all 25 adults and 25 children stepped of that boat and that beach what that simple act of faith would produce. The probably never seen 56,000 people gathered in one spot cheering, let alone 2 million. They just prayed and stepped off the boat and looked around and made it home.
And they had no idea that one day id drive the Doctor Dude down there to the public bathroom that sits next to the monument that is the exact spot they stepped on the beach, so he could find what was lost, and head into surgery that day with a new lease on life and a better perspective.
After I dropped the Good Doctor Dude off, I went back down and sat next to the monument next to where I took him to get his keys and wallet. I sat there a long time, and I prayed for those settlers back when they landed there 173 years ago and smiled. I thanked them for the fine lesson in faith.
I 100% agree with you John,
Have a wonderful day, Sir.