Common Theme



10 responses to “Common Theme”

  1. Andy Avatar

    I just had a thought………. who knows…. when I finish training for that job, something new might open up where I end up in San Diego. hahahaha Stranger things have happened in my life. It is enough to make you head spin.

    Uhem Thy Will, Thy Love, Thy Power, Thy Way of Life. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Amen!

  2. John Avatar

    Andy, I’ve been downing a lot of water lately but I hadn’t thought mentioning it.

    Glad that you’re out of the refiner’s fire. I’m sure that THE DUDE will lead you to the place where you can do HIS work best.

    For the past month I’ve been tired… of everything… but no extreme thoughts because I have family that depends on me. I’ve expected though for decades that my fate is tied to something across the pond (soon?).

    Not sure what to think T’s political ambitions because my family (one parent with cancer, the other glaucoma, and a sibling who has been severely disabled since birth) really relies on the socialized medicine in Canada. I had bad dreams about a new anschluss last night.

    Had more electrical weirdness last night. I might fill up my gas canisters.

    1. Andy Avatar

      Never heard of Anschluss, it when the Nazis conjoined Austria. Interesting. Hmmmm. Its all very peculuiar. Anexing countries? What about the teritories the US already has such as Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Us Virgin Islands. Why not add each of the Canadian provinces at a US state not a whole country as a US State. How many electorial votes would Unifed Canada have as a single state? Greenland? More than Califonia and more than New York. These are the considerations i think of when I hear such things. Remember the rumor back when W was the US President and they said he was going to anex Mexico as part of the US and come out with a new currency called the Amero? Having Bushes picture in the Hundred Dollar Amero?

      Yes, I pay attention wheen there is common themes runing through not just one faith but many and all relating to people estabhed in their abilities and operating within them.

      – Dinking tons of water
      – Feeling stuck in first gear throughout the day.
      – Waking up every night at 2 am.
      – Random thoughts of suicide (not originating in the person)

      I feel like a whole New Man.

      Now, i love the warmer climates and thrive in hotter areas with lots of sunshine. Some of that may because I am a Leo.

      I have lived uuh hard. I have 19 broken bones in my life, i have an artificial knuckel in my index finger, plates and screws in my left wrist, i have had 4 hurnia surgeries, half my intestines and colon removed, shoulder repaired twice, had my nose broke 3 times, been shot, stabed 3 differnt times, dicloated my knee, tore my MCL, passed kidney stones 4 times, had my spine compacted in dump truck accident, and i have been through the windshield of car in a car accident at 55 mph with no seatbelt on
      i ended up going in through the back window of the other car ending up in the back seat, (i actualy opened up the back door of that car, got out and checked on everyone who were all knocked out cold, to the suprize of everyone else lol)

      And I have also had 12 Near Death Exoeriances.

      So my body always aches to a certain degree. Im used to being in a degree of pain. I just cowboy up and i aint a whiney tit baby. I just push through it. Meditation helps manage pain alot.

      After the power anomoly, nothing in my body hurts at all. Not a single thing. I feel 20 years younger and Honestly I have never felt better in my life. Truly! Im about to head to the gym now.

      I got confirmation today. They are paying for my merchant marineer training. From driving Ore Trains and Giant Tonka Trucks in the Mountains of Enoch Valley to a Life at Sea. That a Go!

    2. Andy Avatar

      I just feel a whole lot better in my body in warm climates. That is why I like them.

      When it was 20 below with 20 mph winds and my heater went out in my car last winter while over in Soda Springs Idaho, You can bet God got an ear full of griping that day from me. That cold makes you bones hurt.

      I love the Sunshine and Warm places. Hahaha

    3. Andy Avatar

      I had a funny thought John,

      What If the not so secret powers that be fired DEW at me the night of i expeianced that Power Anomaly, after i didnt yeild to all that temptation, like leaking the vatican secrets, taking money etc etc etc.

      Instead of the DEW killing me, it made me rediculously stonger, healthier, completely heald me of any pain and reversed my age 20 years.

      It it is true, that would be hilarious!

      Pretty funny thought.

      1. John Avatar

        Three parallels to consider.

        In many versions of the Arthurian legend, the knights, especially Sir Percival and Sir Galahad underwent trials and reward was divine energy or strength.

        In Norse mythology, the hero Sigurd underwent a series of trials that led him to gain extraordinary strength (and slay a dragon).

        Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey,” involves a period of intense trial or transformation, after which the hero returns with new wisdom or power.

        1. Andy Avatar

          Wow. I never heard of that. That is sooo cool! Food for thought.

          Everytime i go through these versions of “the refiners fire” some amazing stuff is always right after. Today is day 40. So i expect some very cool stuff coming soon.

          The preasure left for me after the power anomally. I also thought i could have harnessed the power unintinionally (spititually) as a protection at that moment. Like a shield. God knows and that is good enough for me.

          I am already reaping the benifits of the process, very much so.

          Thanks for sharing that John. I never heard of it. Really cool stuff. I think of veing tuff as having heart. Alot of people can be strong physically but dont have the guts, nor grit nor heart to do anything with it.

          I have tons of grit, guts and heart.

          Sounds to me, like you have lots of grit, guts and heart too.

          Just left the gym, feeling like a Million Dollars tonight.

          1. Andrew Avatar

            It is safe to say now we know why all those gifted have been drinking tons of water and craving water. the thoughts of suicide that were not their own, and feeling stuck in low gear. Low gear is slow process.

            I have been hearing these things for over a month now from others who are very well developed and operating within their abilities. I just mentioned it the day before the fires in LA. I am not focused on the Kingdom burring in the Bon Fire, I am focused on THE ONE KINGDOM. I already watched the other narrative burn to ash and dust in the bonfire.

            All these are related to the feelings in the LA fire.

            I prayed about all that last night and this morning.

            The LORD said let Me do the work. Speak it and I will do the work. So, I spoke it today. The LORD will do The Works.

        2. Andy Avatar

          As a Man of God, the longer i live the more i realize God does 99% of the Heavy lifting and I am just along for the ride.

          It is The Fathar that doeth The Work. I am the benifactor of all His Greatness done through me.

          The Glory begins and ends with God.

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