I had to take a step back for a while and digest what is going on and I going to note some common accruing themes from sensitive type people who are all gifted in their own ways.
Today, I passed through into a new light. This is after I have been in this thing, I call the “refiners fire” for the last 39 days. It where is lots of off the hook temptations, usually corresponding to lack of personal needs being met. I have had several temptations such as this Example: I decide to take this one job and hour later my car starts running bad so I can’t take that job. I get it fixed after I can’t take the job, then it breaks down and have to be home so I can be tempted by a friend I just met, who tells me she is sitting on 10,000 Ethereum but doesn’t know anything about it or what it is worth I have had no personal income whatsoever for 2 months. I could have easily took 300 from her but I didn’t. I didn’t take a single thing from her, and I pointed her in the right direction. I do the right thing. Not for reasons most would think. It’s not just a matter of Good and Bad. If do stuff like that, I leave the Spirit of Love I entered into, and it leaves from being inside me. I am unwilling to leave the Holy Spirit of Love and I am unwilling to have The Holy Spirit of Love stop dwelling within me for any amount of money or anything.
Monday, I got an opportunity handed to me. It hasn’t been completely set in stone as of yet. Anything is Possible. I didn’t really tell anyone about it except one friend. Tonight, I shared it with some other friends and a few said, I go my whole life looking for opportunities like that and maybe find one. You just have them fall in your lap all the time. One minute your in Palm Desert California for a year, The living on Alki Beach and running around backstage at big shows and the next your up in Alaska for a while, then the next you are in Idaho driving Ore Trains and Big Tonkas, the next you are given an opportunity to go work in US Border Patrol hunting bad guys with guns. I said yeah but I turned down the last one because I don’t want to travel anymore. I am getting to old to be runing arond in the desert hunting cartel members with guns. So I declined the Border Patrol. Plus, I am never in one spot for more than a year. 4 months after turning down Border Patrol, I was told they pay for your training, you are the perfect fit, starts in March, training is one month long and once that is complete, we will pay for you to relocate to Sydney Australia for 6 months to a year, making more money than you know what to do with. If I take the offer. I don’t know if I will. I am praying about it. My friend said, God sure has you on the move. That stuff comes once in a lifetime for everyone else, God doesn’t want you here. He wants you go leave again. My mother always says you remind me of that song by Led Zepplin, Ramble on. I said I like the eagle’s song Already Gone as a better theme song. I could end up working for the private/civilian side of SOCOM via the merchant marines.
I’d rather not travel anywhere. This isn’t part of my plans. you know meet a nice lady, find a good job, settle down and grow old on a porch swing. You know the saying though, Wanna hear God laugh? Tell Him your plans. God is like, hey you are going to work on ships and do international travel Andy. hmmmmmm Ok, Cool. Thanks God. Let’s do it.
Wherever I go, God is with me. I always find cool stuff and meet so many cool people and experience so many miracles. I am kind of hoping someone out there likes to ruin my plans and something else present home will work better me. God laughs.
Anyway, I moved out of the Refiners fire this morning at about 735am. Everything changed, especially the light on everything and everythign became instantly clearer. Higher Rez. Its more than this, but I used as an example, like going from 380p to Ultra 4k instantly. The best I can describe it this; You know when you first meet someone and fall in love with them. Same exact feeling without the other person. Same feeling as you are falling in love like you did when you first met your spouse… and everything has a new light to it. It feels like spring; I was actually looking for flowers and bumble bees on the way home from the gym not realizing its still January. The whole lighting of the world shifted in my eyes. I feel 20 years younger as well. No body aches at all. Like instantly became 20 years younger. The only exception is I am lot stronger physically than I was 20 years ago. I am beast right now. I got to the gym, set the incline at 10 and ran 30 minutes straight on the tread mill and hardly broke a sweat.
Common Theme: I am fortunate that I know quite a few extremely gifted types. All from different faiths. I know some Christians who wont be friends with anyone not a Christian. I am not that type of Christian. I seek to understand, my salvation is not in jeopardy. I don’t look at that stuff as any threat. God speaks Pigmy to the pigmy in the Amazon, Equations to the Mathematician, Science to the Scientist and Chinese to the Chinese and American to Americans and French to the French. God speaks to each person in a language they can understand.
Alot of sensitive type, very gifted people have mentioned to me lately all unknowingly saying the same things, The are feeling a ton of strange energy in the world. Some are Shamans, Some Elders, Some are Mormons, Some Catholics, some are Baptist Christians, some are Buhdasts, some are new agers, and many other faiths. Every single one of them also said they are drinking tons and tons of water. Like their bodys are constantly thirsty. I have been doing that as well. I had more than a few people tell me they are like stuck in first gear in life and have been waking up at 2am and guzzling water. I have had a more than a few people say to me I am drinking over a gallon of water a day. I don’t know why. I am just constantly thirsty. I pay attention, especially when several extremely gifted people, all from different areas, differing faiths and extremely well developed in their gifts and abilities say the same thing. The other thing they all mentioned is random thoughts of sucide. They all say the same thing, I had a couple random thoughts about sucide. I would never do that sort of thing but it entered my mind and I pushed it out as fast as it entered. Like that is not from me. That is not my thought. They all mentioned that as strange occurance, a common theme. I have not had any personal thoughts of suicide, i did joke about it because of the ridiculous series of temptations and other things I just walked through in the refiner’s fire. It was over the top. I am glad I made it through to the other side. It wasn’t my first rodeo and I had worse before in the past. I ain’t going to lie, walking through the refires fire is not easy at all.
They are all mentioning the same thing to me. I on the other hand am getting exponentially stronger and stronger physically and today I passed this membrane for lack of a better word, a new personal timeline, or transited into a new light. I am also drinking over a gallon of water a day. The difference for me is I made it to the other side. I have been stuck in low gear for a while, while I walked through the refiner’s fire. The refiner’s fire is always a heavy season to walk through. At least it is for me. It usually only lasts 40 days. This time it was 39 days. Tomorrow being the 40th day. Perhaps tomorrow something else new will happen.
I will start creating again tomorrow at the soonest, but I may take a few days to let all this resonate.
This isn’t this kind of of website, but the world is still certainly weird, President Trump wants to buy Greenland and Annex Canada as the 51st state. hahaha and Trudeau resigned. To the Applause of many. Now if we could only hope that Gavin Newsome would resign and all will be well. I have this ponder, what if all these people are resigning and escaping to some place safe because they all know some shit nobody else is knows? I spose it doesn’t matter for me. I will be right where I am supposed to be with whatever I need at the time doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. It’s always that way for me. If someone loses their master lock key? Not to worry lady, the angels gave it to me long before I ever met you 900 miles away. That stuff happens all the time in my life. May it be the same for you the reader.
I plan to keep moving forward with this creation tomorrow or the next day. All the next 4 creations are lined up on my que list up in my brain, I just tend to pause when I see THE DUDE moving in big ways and watch to see what unfolds next. THE DUDE moving most certainly moving in my life Big Time! It matter of respect to give HIM a Wide Berth and afford HIM the Ironing out the details before I proceed in anything even This Creation. All is well. Life is Amazingly Good. I feel phenomenally well.. 20 years younger!
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