~ All for Us ~



16 responses to “~ All for Us ~”

  1. John Avatar

    Amen Andy. Thank you.

    1. Andy Avatar

      It is True..:)

      Remember John, when it comes to the stuff on the news, we are observing not absorbing.

      1. John Avatar

        Tomorrow is the 40th day of the year. It’s been a trying one for sure on a personal level, the news is just kindling on my fire. I’m not sure when my refining fire started but I hope it ends by my birthday.

        1. Andrew Avatar

          Many are feeling the restructure of things in the world. IMHO the Greatest discovery in the last one thousand years is the north and southern continents. There is something similar out there in the not-so-distant future. Similar feeling, as the discovery of not one but two continents.

          John, GODs math is much different than the math of the world. Let me give you an example:

          Shortly after I declined the US Boarder Patrol job I got hired as a truck driver in September. A month after working there my boss comes out to the jobsite piss drunk and fires me for doing nothing wrong. I have not been fired from a job in over 30 years. For a moment, I thought about getting out of the cab and rolling him up like a paper bag and tossing him in the garbage bin. I am most certainly able to do that to a man. But I was not physically in danger so Instead, I said Ok, Cool. Thanks! Went and parked my Truck and walked away. I had stashed some money, and all my bills were paid. My unemployment ran out mid November and I couldn’t open a new one until January. A friend said why don’t you get on food stamps. I said I have never been on food stamps ever in my life. I always have worked. He said just go down to the office and they will give it to you so you at least have food. I did not want to go down there. I am 54 years old. Why am I getting food stamps? 3 days later I said I trust you God and went down there and sure as shit, they gave me $300 a month for food stamps. Now 3 weeks after that the Unemployment office called me and said I was qualified to get funding to go to school if Id be interested in going to the Maritime Institute, they would pay for it. I went down and sat there and heard all about it. I signed up and because I had a food stamp card and no unemployment coming in for 2 months they paid for my schooling. 2 weeks later while talking to the instructor at the school to get me all lined up with when it starts. We were chatting about both being in the Navy. The next day I get a call from a fella who runs tugboats in Naples Italy about working for 6 months over there after school. The fella who calls me served at the same time, same ship as me when I was in the Navy. I hadn’t talked to him since 1990. 35 years ago. He remembered me and I remembered him. We start catchiing up on old times and all that has happened in the last 35 years. He offers me the job upon completion of my schooling at the Maritime Institute. Not only does He offer me the job which pays over $15,000 a month working tug boats in the harbor and i am home every night, He says the Company will pay to relocate me and pay for a furnished studio apartment at the harbor in Naples Italy as part of the deal. Its 6-month contract so I would be spending the entire summer rent free, making $15,000 a month to live in Italy working 4 tens and occasional Friday. After the 6 month contract I get two months off work. Which I can return to the US and spend time with my family. After my 2 month off I can go back to Naples Italy and use the same studio apartment or transfer to Saint Thomas Virgin Islands, Sidney Australia or Hong Kong if I like at the same wage for the same company.

          So I understand that you are going though some stuff. Trust GOD, John.

          Because when THE DUDE Adds up HIS Math it goes like this:

          Faith + Get fired from drunk asshole + Faith + no income + Faith + food stamps = Free school + 6 months in Italy + Free Rent + $15,000 a month income.

          Ok, Spending the summer in Italy. Sweet! Thanks DUDE!


          1. Andy Avatar

            And all that could change too.

            โ˜๏ธ However, I am Always in The Flow. Always in The Flow.

        2. Andy Avatar

          Trust God John. Trust God.

  2. John Avatar

    Fantastic, but very unexpected and it might give me a timeline for other things. While you were mentioning Sydney and San Diego in recent months, I kept wondering how you might end up in one of two other locations that are the both seaports.

    The strongest was Ostia (Antica), and more generally Rome (the city, not Civitavecchia). You might run into “MC” from Assisi somewhere while in Italy.

    The second general location also has tugboats but I’ll hold back to see if something materializes because it would also be unexpected.

    The region around Naples port is beautiful, I been to Naples twice by ship. The area around the port is an experience, I can understand the amount of the contract. I’m really happy for your blessings and possibllities Andy.

    1. Andy Avatar

      You know the thing is, I spent Christmas of 1990 at the Nato Base in Naples Italy. That is where I got my Highschool diploma. I actually finished Highschool in Naples Italy. I only had one class to take and the Navy placed me there to finish my Highschool Diploma. I joined the Navy after being a homeless kid at age 18 prior to getting my High School Diploma. I spent an entire month there.

      And you might know, all my ex’s are full blooded Italian ladies. Both Ex wives and both the ladies who were in playboy are Italian. I kind of swore off dating Italian women. ha ha ha. If memory serves, don’t buy the bottle of champaign for the “buy me drinks girls.” ha hah ahahaha

      I am sure the place is much different now. Who knows, I am sure as I already have met so many wonderful and beautiful people such as Les Visible the Dog Poet among many others…. I could end up at the Vatican Library doing Miracle work…. That is my main Vocation. ๐Ÿ˜€

      That being said, I am supernaturally infused with strength through my life union with the Lord Jesus. I stand Victorious with the Force of His Explosive Power flowing in and through me.

      after all John, I have been resurrected from the dead 12 times in this life alone. I don’t have to face the cross, Jesus already did that.

      God knows the stuff I don’t. I Trust God. and God just-… might write me into love story with Queen Brooke and The White Dragon.

      Forfeit not the assembly,
      I best get in the shower and head to Church.

      Have a wonderful day John.

      1. John Avatar

        I wasn’t aware that about Naples and you. I felt it was a “return” without understanding how. Very cool.

    2. Andy Avatar

      What i Know John is,

      The Same God who;
      can turn Dust into Life,
      Graveyards into Gardens,
      Take people who were cast away as garbage and turn them into Heros,
      Make Bones into Armies
      Can heal any affliction with just a touch.

      That Same God
      Lives in Me.

    3. Andy Avatar

      My prayer for you John,

      is that discover your abilities and operate in them. Not just Operate in them. Operate in them so proficiantly that it becomes as simple as breathing or the beating of your heart.

      You dont stop and make a consciouse descision to breath or make your heart beat.

      It just beats and breaths as you sleep, work and play. You have heart beats and breaths in every sorrow and every joy. Every laugh and every tear. Every moment of every day your heart beats and your lungs breath.

      Let it said the same of your God Given Abilities and the proficiancy that you Operating in them.

      1. John Avatar

        Thank you again. I feel more at ease today.

        1. Andy Avatar

          Wonderful to hear that John. I am off to bed. Big Day tomorrow for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. John Avatar

            Wishing you all the best for tomorrow! Rest up and have a fantastic day!

  3. John Avatar

    Thank you for this Andy.

    I just listened to Clif. He’s experiencing “psychic incidents” (synchronicities, etc) that he’s attributing to what he calls Psi Waves and Kurt Vonnegut’s idea of Karas (a meaningful connection of souls). It sounds like THE DUDE is reaching out but he doesn’t have the Faith to understand. I’ll say a prayer for his soul.

    1. John Avatar

      I was reading more about Karass. I was never a Vonnegut fan so the term from “Cat’s Cradle” was new to me.

      “The word karass, coined by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. refers to a network or group of people that, unknown to them, are linked, specifically to fulfill the will of God.” The concept appears to be woven with a connection to the Divine (however someone defines their belief). It would be a struggle to accept the this idea while keeping a secular worldview.



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