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A Pause for the Cause.
My car was running like crap. I took it down to the auto shop and had them check it on the system. They said I had a miss fire on cylinder 2 and 3. It was probably the plugs because I hadn’t changed them in 150,000 miles. Spark Plugs are only good for 100,000 miles. So, I go them and brought them home, a good friend came over and helped me get them done. My buddy said, if it’s not the spark plugs, it’s your coil packs are bad. I said Well its running good now. Must have been the plugs. We hung out for a little while. I ran and helped another friend. Then I ran home showered and took off to see some other friends for the night. About halfway there the car started running bad again. I stopped at a gas station. Paused for 10 minutes… thought about it and said out loud, I must need to be home tonight. I don’t know why but I must need to be home tonight. I turned around and headed back home.
I often say, I trust you God. God knows the stuff I don’t know. I know I am always right where I am supposed to be when I supposed to be there. How could I not be? I am working with this force of Love on earth and part of it. I am harmony with all that is. Some people call this Synchronicity or Divine Timing. But that doesn’t give the force of Love its due recognition. On the way home I thought, I’m going to stop at the grocery store, pick up some chocolate chip cookies and half gallon of milk. When I got home, I poured a big glass of milk, grabbed a couple cookies and sat down at the breakfast bar. I literally said, O.K. I am supposed to be home. I am open to receive, I am open to receive, I accept and receive. I’m home for a reason.
I went and sat in the living room, turned on the Tv and picked a movie. At the exact moment I picked a movie a new friend I made recently on social media, called me out of the blue. She is Hawaiian. She said don’t you live in Arlington? I said I sure do. Why? She said I need a friend right now. I said I am stuck at home my car is messed up. Wanna come over? She said Yes, totally. I am actually in the area. I am going to stop at the store and pick up some chocolate chip cookies do you have any milk. I am craving chocolate chip cookies and milk. I looked at the glass sitting on the breakfast bar and said Well you are in luck. I just so happen to have some fresh chocolate chip cookies sitting and a half gallon of milk. She said really???? I said Yes Mam, I sure do. She said I am on my way. She gets here and we are just talking. I told her I have one Haggen Daus Ice creme bar if you want that instead of Chocolate Cookies and Milk. She oohhh yeah! I will take the ice creme bar! She just broke up with her boyfriend she had been with for a year and brought him his stuff he left at her place, and he gave her, her stuff she left at his. We sat in the kitchen I was eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking milk, and she was eating that ice creme bar. I thought this must be why I was supposed to be home tonight. She was saying it was for the best and all this. She never said single thing bad about her newly ex boyfriend. I thought that is rare these days. She didn’t rant about him or any of that. She just sighed… and said well, it just didn’t work out. She said, but Now I am here with you. I said ohhh I am not the outside bandage for your inside wound.
As we were chatting, I got my laptop and was just looking at the prices of crypto coins while we were chatting in the kitchen talking. She said you know back before the pandemic; I was seeing this really really wealthy guy. Probably the richest man I have ever met. He was always talking about crypto coins. I don’t know much about them. He wanted me to travel the world with him, and he would give me anything I ever wanted for the rest of my life, If I would just love him. However, I wasn’t into him that much. He was a really nice guy and all that but If I am with someone it’s about love and connection. If I don’t have love and connection, I am not going to be with them. She said I told him that. She said I told him, if I was with him, it would be for the wrong reasons. I am just not that way. He said he understood and thanked me. I smiled at her and said, yeah, I am the same. I could be financially broke as hell, but I am not going to pretend to love someoene just to get paid. I trust THE DUDE and point to the sky. He is the maker of my ways. If God wants me to be rich and wealthy and travel the world? He will make it happen without me lying and using someone to get there. She smiled and said, I don’t much about that bitcoin stuff, but this really rich fella made me a wallet and put it on a thing. He showed me he gave me 10,000 coins. I said do you stil have it. She said yep, its in a safe place. I forgot all about it until you mentioned bitcoins tonight. I said you have 10,000 bit coins??????!!!!! She said no the other one bit coin. The one that starts with the E. I said Ethereum???? She said Yeah! That is the one! I still have it. I said WOW! She said, I don’t know what to do with them. I said you have 10,000 Ethereum? She said yeah why? He gave theme to me ohhhhhh back in September of 2018. I said do you know how much that is worth? She said what three dollars? I said ohhhhh no girl! That is worth over 100 million dollars. she said really??? I said yeah. If he gave you 10,000 Ethereum?? That is worth a boat load of money. She said He told me to hold on to them for 10 years. I said faaaaackkk girl. She said what should I do with it? How do I make it in to cash? I stepped away from the breakfast bar. I looked down, I took a deep breath and I said that is above my paygrade to ask that question. She said its locked away and went to tell me where it was at and I put my finger up and said stop right there! Do not tell me where it is! Do not tell me! You hold on to that info yourself and I would strongly suggest getting a professional financial advisor who would more than likely, highly recommend putting that in a Trust, so nobody could steal it, if that is what this fella gave you! You don’t tell nobody where it is at. Not even your family. You need to go to a real trusted professional financial advisor that works for a large firm and get on them on a disclosure contract before you bring that to the table.
She left shortly after that. After she left, I thought what are the odds, the night my car is running like shit and I am forced to return home. Someone I met on social media would stop by my house. She comes over and doesn’t realize that She is sitting Massive Treasure until we start chatting. Good for her. Honestly, I had a moment where I thought, Oh I could date her that is alot of money. As soon as that thought rose up in my consciousness, I said no thank you and cast that thought to the ground. I prayed to God and said remove those thoughts from me. She isn’t what I am interested in. I am only in a relationship with any girl for love and connection. Honestly, I did have a moment of Jelousy….. where I thought Holy Cow DUDE! That chick was sitting on Giant Treasure and didn’t even know it. WOW! After she left, I came to my senses and prayed for her. I prayed for me too. That is a large temptation. I stayed up late watching tv until the wee hours of the morning to distract my thoughts.
As I was going to sleep, I thought about all this. She got that fortune by not compromising her virtues in a relationship. She met a very wealthy man and he offered her anything she wanted in life without limit, to travel and be with him and love him. She said I can’t, because I am only in relationships for Love and Connection. Its not who I am. He said, I understand. I am going to give you this gift before I go. He made her a wallet and put 10,000 Ethereum in it and told her to sit on it for 10 years. At the time He gave them to her, they were worth $218 a coin. She forgot all about them until tonight while we were chatting. Now they are worth $3,400.08 a coin. She gained that entire fortune by maintaining her integrity, her sense of honor and virtue. I smiled and thought, How coool is that??? as I fell asleep.
I woke up very late this morning and stumbled out of bed. I walked downstairs and the baby kitten had swallowed a long part of a zipper that came off a jacket and was choking on it. I grabbed her off the kitchen floor, stuck my fingers inside her mouth and yanked it out slowly. She started puking and is now her normal self. It would have killed her if I had not awakened up at the exact moment and walked into the kitchen and saw her laying there convulsing. She is running around the house being her normal kitten self.
I grabbed my coffee, and an old meditation book, This fell out of it and onto the breakfast bar.

I found that Hawaiian Gold label that day on the way to Life 360 Church. When I got to Life 360, I found them Gold Coins. I forgot I had found that Lable before that. If you read Blue Star in a Haystack, you would know there was the names of two Arch Angels present that day. Gabriel and Michael. I tossed those coins out on the ground and said no thank you! and I chose The Blue Star instead because of what my old friend Gabriel said to me a while back.
What my good friend Gabriel told me way back in the day and I heard him in that moment was, “Do not accept the first offer.” I thought about my new Hawaiian friend, who didn’t accept the first offer. The first offer to her was a life of luxury, riches, wealth and travel. She could have whatever she wants, travel the world, she just had to give up her integrity, and do it without love. But she didn’t accept that first offer. Because that is not who she is. She held her ground, was honest and forthright. She Chose Love and Connection above all…. and in doing so, she became extremely wealthy.
Good thing my car was running like shit last night and I had to stay home. Good thing I stayed up late watching Tv and slept in really late.
God and God alone establish a Man and His ways.
- Angels (10)
- Beyond Space and Time (13)
- Fulfillment. (42)
- Jedi (7)
- Life (55)
- Love (42)
- Miracles (42)
- Prophecy (24)
- Right on Schedule (35)
- THE DUDE (17)
- The Power of God (42)
- Treasure (42)
4 responses to “A Pause for the Cause.”
She just messaged me and said Holy Mother of God!!!!!!!!!
I replied Yeah girl. You should not date for a while.
That’s terrific for her Andy.
Yes! I am very happy for her. It’s wonderful experience to be a part of and not my usual Friday night. You never know when THE DUDE is going to call you into action. That is why it is important to be vigilant in prayer and meditation. I am honored that was all revealed to her through me. Had it been someone else, they might have tried to take advantage of that situation. I was even tempted, that why I took step back from the bar, looked down at the floor, took in a deep breath then raised my hand with my finger pointed up and said do not tell me where it is at.
She asked me out on a date last night. I declined. I am not physically attracted to her. I can see the echo ripple in my own life. I could have everything I wanted, life of luxury, wealth and travel with her but for the wrong reasons. I declined for the very same reason she declined the very rich man.
It has been my experience that when you enter into a divine intersection such as these, the very next steps lead to a season of massive empowerment.
Very beautiful experience.
I have another story similar in nature as this….. where I chose love over a vast fortune. Perhaps it is an indicator that I should include that creation as well. I wasn’t going to include it; I had moved though those representations.
I have to spiritually recalculate a few things before I proceed with this creation. After all, This Creation is a multitude of creations with larger dynamic system of Creation, present. I am not going to point them out. I have given 2 examples. If one has the eyes to see and the ears to hear they will be apparent.
A shift in celestial weather provides greater understanding and clarity, so to speak.
Hope you have a Happy Sunday John.
My car is running like a top now. All is well. God is Good. All the time.