Cosmic Treasure Chest



6 responses to “Cosmic Treasure Chest”

  1. John Avatar

    If that was around Arlington 6:40pm, then that could be Jupiter on the right, Mars on the bottom, and Capella on the left. Jupiter will always shine brighter than Mars. Capella is sometimes called the Shepherd’s Star or Goat Star.

    1. John Avatar

      I’m not an astronomer, I just used the Stellarium website to take a guess. (

      1. Andy Avatar

        John, I did not need an app. I used my eyes to see, them.

        I see Venus every day here.

        I also recognize Jupiter and Mars when I see them.

        We just had 8 of them parade across the sky not to long ago.

      2. Andrew Avatar

        Thank you for the assistance, John. I intuitively see things all the time. I also have eyes to see them. I am not an astronomer or an astrologer either. but I know what the moon looks like by seeing it. Same with the planets and some constellations such as leo and orion.

    2. John Avatar

      Oops, meant to guess Mars of the bottom of the triangle Yeah, the moon is pretty clear in the picture. 😀 You’dll know your sky better than I. I haven’t seen a clear sky without light pollution for probably a good eight years when I was last on a ship.

  2. John Avatar

    Cool. I remember a tour of the bridge of the Midway and how they sometimes used the stars for navigation. They lamented the reliance of satellites and gps now.

    You must have experienced some amazing skyscape views on the USS America away from the lights of the land. Heck, with some of work driving and where you’ve lived there was likely some incredible views.

    Hoping your day went well.

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