Stream of Unfettered Consciousness



3 responses to “Stream of Unfettered Consciousness”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Funny. I realized i wrote, I move to San Diego. I have no plans whatsoever to move to San Diego. Lol

    I think that is the odd one. Hahaha

  2. Andy Avatar

    I am going to write another one in my private personal journal, that one i will keep to myself.

    I will measure the accuracy between both.

    A personal private study.

    I will do the other one tonight how i traditionally do it, with my ring finger touching the pen. Which also pours life force into the ink. And check back to see what it has produces over the 6 month period.

    Everything i written in these meters out not exactly line by line but it meters out in my perosal sphere over that 6 month period. Some sentances line up brilliantly and some juxtipose with other sentances simutainously scattered around the page. Its is an interting pattern. The pattern of occruances flow, never matches the prior pattern.

    Where the first three sentances flow almost instantly with center line sentance 37 in occurance. Then the next day a bottom line sentance juxtiposes its self in occruance with the first sentance of line 3 and the second sentance in line 25.

    They all occure in some shape of fashion. Some occure metaphorically and others are straight up material manifestations present as the living day.

    Yes, i will do another one privatelty, THE DUDE and my eyes only and measure the difference between and note any similarities between them such as a sentance flowing through verbatium found within my web example and my personal example.

    Why the hell not.

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