Please note that some browsers such as Samsung and Google Chrome show publications for this sight with a delay delivery system than other browsers such as Duck and Edge. I am unsure to why that is. I do know that the hosting site is in another time district so this creation will be published with a date of 01-04-2025. Time is an interesting concept. This is a tool that I use. It will do you no good to use my frame snapshot for your own personal gain. It is a personal snapshot. It is only a useful tool if you do your own. At the end I will do an example. I do these around every 6 months. Usually at the start of the year and in the middle of the year.
We are trained to look at the news to see what is happening. I was taught that from early on in my childhood. The Man of the house sits on the toilet and reads the newspaper in the morning and at night He sits in front of the TV to stay informed. I watched my grandfather, uncles, father and stepfather do this my whole life. I see other men do the same things. Then internet was invented, and I saw men just like me getting my news from Google, fox and CNN. I thought it was what we were supposed to do. When I became a man, I did the same exact thing.
18 years or so ago, I was sitting my chair in the living room, like I seen my grandfather and father do after dinner sitting in my chair and watching the news. As the man of the house, It was my job to stay informed about world events. I was flipping back and forth between Cnn and Fox. My wife was taking a hot bath in the master bath, and the kids were playing in their rooms. CNN went to commercial break so I got up to refill my glass of water, I hit the button on the remote to switch back to fox news, set the remote down and entered the kitchen. As I was filling my water cup up from the Britta in the fridge I was listening to it in the background. All the sudden I heard some screaming on the TV and yelling about the New World Order and a scuffle and a bunch of crashing sounds. I set my glass of water down on the bar and ran back into the living room to see what was going on, on the TV.
There I stood watching Hulk Hogan yelling and smashing a chair on someone who was saying down with the new world order. I thought what the hell. This isn’t Fox news??? When I hit the button to switch over to Fox news from cnn I had accidently switched to Wrestling on the TV. I stood there and watched Hulk Hogan beat a fella up, the announcers came on and there was a bunch of yelling. I switched back over to cnn and there was a bunch of yelling and going back and forth. Then I switched over to Fox news and there was a bunch of yelling going back and forth. Then I switched back over to big time wrestling and there was a bunch of yelling and going back and forth on. In that moment I realized it was the same exact shit on cnn and fox news as it was on wrestling. Same exact shit. The only difference was the names on characters on the screen and on cnn and fox they wore suites not spandex. They were all yelling and going back and forth and it was all scripted. It was all theater and scripted bullshit. Since that day, I stopped watching cable news. I started looking for alternative news sites and found a few good ones. One is and another is I used to go to some other sites like the dredge report but some of them became the same scripted bullshit just like big time wrestling. It was all for entertainment purposes, not the real news.
Don’t get me wrong, I love wrestling. Its the greatest show on earth. Those ladies and gentlemen (i use the term loosely) are extremely talented and put on a great show! But I am not going to watch Big Time Wrestling to get the facts about the current state of the world. Now, I am a HUGE fan of Rick Flair. He is the original wooooooooo!
I have this memorized, ” It’s so hard for me to sit back here in this studio, looking at a guy out here, hollering my name!—When last year I spent more money, on spilled liquor, in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made! You’re talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, whoa! wheelin dealin’, limosuine riding, jet flying son of a gun and I’m having a hard time holding these alligators down! WOoooooooooo!” There isn’t nobody who ever lived like Rick Flair. I love it when people like The Time Monks talk about the woo. Every time I hear someone bring up a woo event, I hear Rick Flair going woooooooo! in my head. Like right on Que. hahahahahah
That being said, I am certainly not going to go to Rick Flair for the real news or parenting or advise about quitting drinking.
I am one of the only men alive who has had the privilege and honor at seeing Raw Alta data pulls. I was honored to view them and be offered a job working on that project. However, I declined for personal reasons that are pretty obvious if you have been following along on this current creation. What viewing the data pulls for the Alta Reports and others who uses such systems as word frequency analysis taught me is to look at my own data pulls. So, I started doing my own data pulls to see the knews before it is news in my own life It is a fact! everything in material form is first created in the spiritual realm. That is not a theory it is fact. These are facts as old as time. These concepts are not new, they exist in almost every sacred text all over the world from the dawn of time. The entire material realm is an effect of the cause first done in the spiritual realm.
In the Holy Book I had from the Vatican, one of only 73 ever printed, it replaces the word soul with the word Vocation in everything written within its over 3000 pages. It doesn’t call it a man or womans soul, it calls it a Vocation. Vocation is defined as: a person’s employment or main occupation, especially regarded as particularly worthy and requiring great dedication. Interesting term when considering one’s soul that dwells within the spiritual realm in form, while the person’s body dwells within the material realm in its form. The soul does the work or cause in the spiritual realm and the body registers its work done as an effect, in the material realm. The concept came to me from reading the Alta data pulls and the pulls from others who use a similar but different method for reading the news before it becomes news. This tool is a spiritual data pull for a personal read. You may also find it useful. I find it best if I do it only once every 6 months. I have never done it on the internet. I do it in a notebook journal. I have never shared it before with anyone. I do review it occasionally over the next 6 months once and a while, to see what has unfolded in my life and highlight it. After 6 months I review everything and highlight everything that has become, in my personal life, in the material world. and note what remains on a separate piece of paper within my journal. The first thing I do is write my name directly in the middle of the page. Some may think of this as a form of remote viewing. I don’t know enough about remote viewing to say that or not. I am not focusing on an object or a specific time frame event. I am looking into the spiritual realm for the work being performed that I will witness in my personal life over the next 6 months. This is way more useful than watching big time wrestling on tv to find out what the news is.
What I do first is some prep. I take a long hot shower, then I go into a private room. I stretch my entire body. Stretching every muscle through different stretches. I sit Indian style between each stretch and breath in and out for a 25 count. Slow measured breathing. I do 3 cycles of whole body stretches and three cycles of breathing. Then I sit down with an open notebook, I write my name in the middle of the page. I close my eyes, and I take 25 more breaths in and out for a total of 100. I open my eyes, pick up my pen and start writing whatever comes though on the paper without thinking about it. Short little 3- and 4-word sentences until the entire notebook page is filled from top to bottom. Sometimes I write fast and at others I pause for a moment, and I do notice my hand is clicking the pen to a rhythm of a Metronome. Sometimes I write 5 and 6-word sentences and sometimes only one word down. I am not making a conscious effort at writing; I am allowing it to flow freely through me. After I am done, I write the date on the bottom of the page. Why 25 breaths each time for a total count of 100? I don’t know. I just do that. Occasionally world events will blead through into my personal read. I have had a few examples in the past. Important note: I hold the pen with my ring finger touching the pen. The ring finger has a vein that runs directly to your heart that is why you wear a wedding ring on it. You have a vein that runs from both hands directly to your heart. I am ambidextrous and can write with both hands. I am also able to mirror write at the same time with both hands. I am also able to write two different subjects simultaneously with both hands. I am predominantly right-handed. So, I touch my ring finger to the pen with my right hand as I write.
As we discussed earlier here in the comment section, your soul is tethered to your heart. It is a common misconception that it is inside your body. The same fashion that the Sun (Sol) is outside the Earth (Heart). There is a Teather that lasts for 8 and a half minutes from your soul to your heart. After 8 and a half minutes of no heartbeat, you are pronounced dead the same amount of time it takes sunlight to reach earth. So, I touch the pen to my ring finger connecting it to the vein that runs to directly to my heart connecting it to my soul. Allowing my soul to move the pen, creating as it does. The ink is words from my soul. I will do one here and look back in 6 months and highlight everything. I have had some data pulls where 99% of the things came true. I highlighted everything on the page except 2 sentences. They came true 6 months later. I have never done it online before. So, this should be an interesting pull. After I shower, stretch my body, meditate, take my deep breaths, I will begin.
Flip flops next to a beach Towel. Grand Torino. Jacksonville, Florida. 2 tickets to Paradise. New Honda accord. Red. Sushi dinner. Look at the time. Two peas in a pod. Giraffe Toung. Sitting in a field of Lillies. Chopping wood. Moving into a new house. Fundamentals my boy, Fundamentals. Three cats and a ball of cheese. Play that funky music white boy. Red roses in a blue vase. All you can eat sir. Don’t forget to wear green. Elephant ears are listening. Turn up the radio I smell fresh fried ochre. Deep claw bathtub next to a Joshua tree. Big black bottle of champaign. Sewing baby Swing! Black Bic lighter with a flamingo on it. Shooting star. Viva las Vegas baby! hand me downs. Cheeseburger from heaven. Long cool woman in a black dress. Magic 8 ball says yes. Flaming water barrel. We are Going to the Chappel and we are going to get married. Long horns on a Cadillac. a riva derchi! Freedom rings! Faster than the speed of light. Live Long and Prosper. Where the blue tye it goes with your eyes. Percolating panda. Canoe paddles. Why does everyone in holly wood have a broken hand now? Home run! CB channel feedback. Player one Extended. We would like to extend you an offer. Found Money. Found Money again! . Room number 1123. Rollin Rollin Rolin the chuck wagon is Rolling. Red cross panic. Fun for one and all. Shuffleboard? lets go to the moon baby! Red turbo charged Mazda Mr2. I just bought a new jeep. Ok see ya at 5. Corpus Christy Texas beach view. Maritime law specifically says so. I do. she said I do. That creates 2 do’s. 10 of hearts. Print your name here. Solar flare X4. Cactus’s bleeding. We are going surfing this weekend. Etchasketch! Penny loafers. Black tie affair at the golden corral. Rockets read glare! The bombs bursting in air. Majesty to behold. Black man in a white fur hat. A.I. takes the personality of Paul Harvey. I smell coconut oil on smooth skin. Tokyo Drift. Fix your little red wagon. That is a cool App. Green Bananas. Bang a gong, get it on. Andrew M. Steenberg. Ace of Dimond’s. Kylee smiles. To legit to quit. Why are the dogs barking? Happy! Happy! Happy! Little green men in boat shoes. Little yellow sundress on the floor. Same bat channel. its on like donkey Kong. Toast on the floor. black eye on the big apple. I never seen green lighting before. Big WIN! someone lost found something important. So this is Mazatlán! More shooting stars. A River runs through it. A big box of expensive cigars. The ties that bind us. Equestrian extravaganza. Submissive. Shoot out at the Ok corral 2.0. 10,000 points drop in the dow in less than a week. Funny you should mention that. let it ride. Corn on a stick. Two moons over the ocean. Drive Monkey Drive! What we have here is a failure to communicate. Waves, it comes in waves. Dancing the night away. Fat Boy on a Fat boy. Top Hat excursion. There is purple people eaters everywhere. 10,000 kids found in a where house. Jackson Mississippi!!! Well now you know. Finally final! let er rip potato chip! Its electric. Big Glacier shift. Lime green rainbows. I see Lime green see through bra and panties on a very tan lady before me. Alli Alli all come free. Cantaloupes from Heaven. Over there in Australia at the moment. Big RX Rigs doing the big time. The tunnel collapsed. Mystery Theater Presents. Mount blank Pen. I buy a new house! A Little black dog named pluto. Blue matching suit cases. XD M .45 cal. I make mine in a blender. #25 twice and everything in between. Atari 2600 video games. Perl Necklace. Elizabeth says yes. Corndogs and unsweetened Ice tea. Hammock in the back. Power went out for the whole city. Fried Chicken! Her legs spread out before me. Fantastic super prism. Green Chevy truck. 10 dozen wash cloths? Orange shag carpet. Star Chamber secrets. Sunshine kissess on the back of my neck. Sailboat named girlfriend. I moved to San Deigo. Flee France! Earthquake in the Alps? Its Hammer time. We need a rain. Barbaque ranch on a lawn chair. All my dreams are coming true. Pickles in a Ziplock baggy. Diamonds bitches! Diamonds! Drop top at the stop stop. Golden shiney people. Glitter on her feet. Yurt life. Jack of clubs. Wheeel of fortune! Star dust Slurpee’s. Rothchild super scandal. Arch Bishop York. Run Forest Run! Its a go! Well there you go! Blue eye baby singing in the rain. Special Delivery. 4 tens. Cheep sunglasses laying on a swing. Happy Place. Pink Cupcakes with Sprinkles. Blank Check.
There is my small example. When I go back and read it I do see some stuff that I recognize as world type events. This is personal stream of unfettered consciousness for a personal read over the next 6 months. I am interested to see if works because I never shared these and I have never done with a keyboard. I use a pen and a blank piece of paper. I would encourage you the reader to give it a go as well. You may be suprized at what comes through you. Have a wonderful weekend.
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