Jesus spoke Aramaic. It was the language for the region at that time period. The title of this creation is aramaic. Shavaq is the aramaic word for forgiveness. Shavaq is different in meaning than what is commonly accepted for the meaning of forgiveness today. Forgiveness we know today, is more widely accepted as a pardon or an act of mercy for a judgement decreed. Shavaq means to be divorced, untied, untethered, loosened to unlock your mind. Shavaq means there is no judgment. Since there is no judgement, no pardon or act of mercy is warranted. To Shavaq is to Unlock your mind. If you are Shavaq? You are divorced from any and all Judgment of sin. There is no Law to be judged by. There is no karma, or karmic debt nor debt owed to anyone, even God. There are no repercussions legally against you in this world or any other realm. There is no Judge presiding over any law you have violated, because there is no law against you and no prosecution team nor penalty or act of mercy to decree because you have entered into Shavaq. Jesus paid it all. Jesus came for the shavaq of sins. You are truly divorced from all sin and judgement. You are truly free.
The above words you may have heard in a similar context. It is also Aramaic. Most know the term Abracadabra is something said by a magician uses to pull bunny’s out of hat. The term Abracadabra finds its origin in the aramaic words avra kedabra. The phrase Avra Kedabra means “I create as I speak”….. This is the same language that Jesus, The Christ Spoke. There is not a single person who ever walked the earth that was a more perfect master of “I create as I speak” than Christ Jesus. The only way to enter into true Shavaq is through the Holy Spirit.
I am very fortunate to know alot of very gifted people from all walks of life. Their expression of their gifts may very but their uncanny accuracy is what I most marvel at. I have 2 very gifted psychic ladies I know. They are almost twins in their accuracy. Their methods are less important to me than their ability to read the future on a very personal level. Everyone comes to The LORD of Heavenly Hosts in differing ways. I think of their methods more as an expression unique to them. I don’t judge their methods.
There are over 45,000 Christian denominations globally and every single one of them says, this is the only way. It is baffling that all 45,000 Christian denominations, whose all-core beliefs are, Jesus is the Christ, The Son of God and the way to salvation, but think their doctrine is the only way. When all 45,000 Christian denominations globally come together and in one voice unify, the entire world in an instant, will become paradise. That One Voice will end all sickness, disease, homelessness, poverty as well as free every child being trafficked and radically end all corruption in government in a nano second.
Very soon, the entire world will be experiencing a massive physic change. Itis already happening. You the reader can see its effects just like the wind moving the trees. The same as seeing Love moving world around you. No matter what the news says. I assure you, If you look for it, it is very prevalent in the world and continues to become more and more prominent.
On July 22cd I was at work clearing light rail trains in Seattle, Wa. It was my last day working at that job. One of my friends is Raven Adams who is a world renown psychic. She travels all over the world. I hadn’t talked to her in a long while. As I was walking on to my final train ever at that job. My phone dinged a notification. It was Raven Adams; she posted this image online in a train in Amsterdam 4890 miles away from me.
At the exact moment I put on orange nitrile glove and entered the last train I was to clear at that job.
The thing is, she had no idea I was clearing trains for the Light Rail. She was 9 hours ahead of me in time. 4890 miles away from me. The whole time I worked at that job, we only used blue Nitrile gloves before that day. I wasn’t wearing any gloves before I go on that train. A co-worker handed me the orange gloves right before my last train to clear at that job. I put them on and at the exact moment I entered the train, my phone dinged and gave me a notification from Raven, who I hadn’t talked to in over 6 months, who was also 9 hours ahead of me and 4,890 miles away. In that instant, no matter the distance or time of the day, we were on the same page.
Avra Kedabra! Very soon, the entire world will be experiencing a massive physic change. It is already happening. You the reader can see its effects just like you can see the wind moving the trees. The same as seeing Love moving and affecting world around you.
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