No other has walked the earth like Jesus did. There is no more famous person who has existed in the last 2000 years then Him. In 2000 years will they be speaking every Sunday, singing a multitude of songs and writing thousands of books and vast multitiudes of people devoting their entire lives in service about Trump? Paul McCartney? Elon Musk? Lord Rothchild? Hillary Clinton? P. Diddy? Oparah?
I don’t think so. Nobody who ever lived on this Earth is as Awesome and Amazing as God.
Wether, you think of Jesus as your personal savior, The Christ, A Prophet or nothing at all. Nobody can argue against that. I believe with all my heart He is the Son of God; I am redeemed by His amazing Grace. I have often prayed that simple prayer that a sinner prayed, the first one to enter into His kingdom through Him, “Jesus remember me when you enter into Your Kingdom.” Jesus replied to Him, Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise. That man was the very first to enter the Kingdom of God with Jesus. He didn’t cry out on his knees and whip himself with repentance, he never paid tithe, he did no great acts of faith, he never helped anyone, he broke every law of God and Man and was hung on a cross die. All He said was Remember me when You enter Your Kingdom. He was the first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven with Jesus.
I wasn’t going to write today. I had a dream last night. I do somethings I don’t understand why, I just do them. Intuitively. Like stepping into the well that day on the Hopi Rez. I don’t know why I did it. I just did it. Since the well was dry and filled with dirt, and my body is made up of 60% water, did that make me the Living water in the dry well? Did there have to be water in the well? Was God about to pass judgment if the well had run dry? Is that why when the Total Solar Eclipse that happened 4 years later to the minute didn’t set off the Madrid Fault line earthquakes and destroy the United States like some prophets proclaimed it would? I don’t know. That Holy Book I had from the Vatican clearly states that The Spiritual World rules the Material world, not the other way around. The material world is the Effect of the Spiritual Cause. Everything is done in the Spiritual World first and we experience it in the Material world as an effect. Everything, Even Christmas.
I do things very intuitively, then later more is revealed. Ever since I read Psalm 119: 105, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” I put this little nightstand at the base of foot of my bed and I laid an Open Bible on it. So, when I go to sleep every night, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It helps me upon awakening to a fresh new day setting my feet upon the Path of Gods Word.
I read this Vis fella say on his site say the other day, the reason they say, “sleep on it.” Honesty I never knew why people say that, until he said it. He said it means to think about a problem, fall asleep and when you wake up, you will have the solution. I liked that reason. I laughed because that happens quite a bit for me since I placed an open Bible at the foot of my bed.
Last night when I went to sleep, I was thinking about The United States. How some say there is no prophecy in the bible about the United States. I said is that true? Then I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I heard Remembers Lots wife in my head. I grabbed the Bible off the foot of my bed and when I set it on the breakfast bar, turned and grabbed my cup of Coffee, it opened to Luke Chapter 17.
Luke Chapter 17:32, “Remember Lots wife.” Oh…. yes, that was my first thought this morning. So, I read the rest of it Luke Chapter 17 33 to 37, “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together, and one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two men shall be in the field; The one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto Him, Where Lord?” Note: they didn’t as him when…… they asked him where? I never noticed that before today. For some reason I thought it always said when. Today I realized they asked where.
And He said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, Thither will the Eagles be gathered together.
In that moment, it dawned on me, in that Holy Book I received, that was signed by Pope Leo XIII on 06, April 1879, filled with Vatican secrets, it clearly calls The United States is the home, of The Body of Christ. It says, The United States is the Promised Land for the Christians. The Home of the Body of Christ. The United States national bird is The Eagle. Its image is on everything.
Nobody ever gives me presents except my Momma. I don’t know why that is. I just hardly ever get them. I went 5 years without a single birthday present or Christmas present. Last year even my Christmas present from my Momma got lost in the mail. I never got it. I generously give presents to everyone. Everyone just forgets to get presents for me. It used to bother me and now I am just kind of used to it. The gift is in the giving, right? Right! Every now and then I am surprised, and someone besides my Momma gives me a gift on Christmas or my birthday. Last night. I received a Christmas tree ornament with two Angel wings painted on it that read, “may your Guardian Angel protect and guide you through 2025. It was in a bag that has Michael written on each side of it.
Note: After my publishing, I went and took a shower. In the shower I had the epiphany, I have received many amazing presents since I stood in the well that day. The Father, The Queen of Heaven, Christ and The Angels shower me with many wonderful presents. I received that Eric Church Cd case and the experience of being there. I received Double Happiness. I received one of only 73 ever printed Holy Books from the Vatican filled with many things the world has never known. I received the Master Key and recently received a Golden Dragon among many many many other wonderful and amazing things. I received some other cool presents recently. I am always receiving many wonderful presents. It’s like every day is my Birthday and Christmas in my life. Those of us who do business with THE LORD know HIS math is quite different than the rest of the worlds. The rest of the worlds math like this is: 25 plus twenty five = 50. In THE LORD economy the math is: twenty five + 25 equates One Billion. I am open to receive. I am open to receive. I accept and I receive. Who can out give THE LORD? THE LORD is a Generous giver. THE LORD always and in all ways pays more. I am grateful for THE LORD of Heavenly Hosts, ever presence and ever Present.
And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
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