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Greater Awareness
I have spent the last few days in deep contemplative mediation and prayer. I prayed about the next steps in proceeding. This True Story came up several times, I was unsure if I should share it or not. That being said, God prompted me to tell the truth about it.
This whole thing is sort of like this: God says, you are going to build a ship. Then God gives you, all the materials to build a ship. God says, this ship will take you to some far-off new world filled with adventure and kingdoms you had no idea ever existed. I want you to go there and tell them about Me. You have zero ship building experience. You don’t even know where you are sailing too. Nobody has ever sailed that direction before. Still, there you stand, having no ship building experience whatsoever. You can see laying there the wood, the keel, the masts, the sails and the hammer and nails. However, you have no idea what you are building. You have never built a ship before and this sort of ship has never been built before. You just know, God is not a liar, God told you, you are going to build a ship, and it’s going to take you to an entirely new world, filled with adventure, vast treasures and kingdoms people you have never heard of. All you know is, you have all the materials, and you are working with a Master Craftsman and He is speaking to you through Intuition. At times in my journey it feels, exactly like this.
On April 8th, 2020. I was up early around 4am. After my prayer and meditation, I decided to go to the gas station to get gas and few other things then go to the Palm Desert Civic Park and sit in the center of the big rose atrium there. If you have never been to the rose atrium at the Palm Desert Civic Park, I assure you there is no place like it on earth. It is so beautiful. Every kind of rose that grows on the entire planet is planted there. In the center of them is this mosaic tiled rose, you can sit on close your eyes and just breath in their scent. It is by far one of my most favorite places on earth. It is so beautiful there.
I pulled up to the chevron gas station there on country club drive. I went in and paid for my gas and came out to pump it. The world was in lock down due to the Covid pandemic. Everyone was ordered to shelter in place. Even all the churches, temples, synagogues and places of worship were closed. While getting gas, I heard a Lady whisper to me on the wind. She said you must go to the Hopi. You must go now.
I had never even heard of the Hopi. Honestly, I have never heard of the name. I didn’t know who or what the Hopi was. I blew it off. I went in the store to pick up a couple packs of smokes and a coffee, deciding that I would just go sit in the rose atrium and hang out with all the roses for a while. Nobody was around. While in the store, I filled me a to-go coffee cup I heard the same Lady whisper to me again. You must go to the Hopi! You must go now! Go! Go to the Hopi! It was like this Lady who was speaking to me was standing right next to me with Her mouth next to my ear. I looked down and my arms were all goose bump I could feel her breath on my ear. I said to the lady working the register, did you say something???? She said no why? I said Oh, it’s early and I must need more coffee. I thought I heard you say something. She laughed. I paid for my coffee and a couple packs of smokes. I went out to my car. I started it up and sat there for a second. What is the hopi? I must be not awake yet. I took a big gulp of coffee and lit up a smoke. I heard it again, same Lady’s voice, as if she was sitting in the back seat of my car, reached up and said it into my ear. You must go! You must go to the Hopi! You must go now! I spilt my coffee. I looked in the back seat of the car, nobody was back there. I jumped out of my car and shook my head. What the F is going on???? I heard this lady’s whisper as if it was real person with lips to my ear saying this. Freaked me out. I got back in the car. Googled what is Hopi? It is a bunch of Indians in Arizona. I said out loud in my car, I am not driving 484 miles to some Indians I never heard of in Arizona this morning. I must be losing my mind. I should probably go home and go back to bed. I am hearing shit. Then I heard Her again! You must go! You must go! Now! I sat for a second, I looked over and my car switched from park to drive all on its own. I hit the brakes on my car. The car won’t go into drive from park without putting your foot on the break and doing it manually. I put the car back in park. Then I heard Her again, you must go to the Hopi. you must go now!
Then my phone went to google maps on its own and started giving me directions. I said, whoever you are, I will go if you stop nagging me about it. I heard Her again, Go! Now!
So, I put my car in gear and started driving to these people I had never heard of and a place I had never been before. I drove all the way though Death Valley. Not a car in site. There was nobody on the road at all. I stopped for gas one time in Death Valley. By the time I finally got to the Navaho Indian reservation I thought I must be nuts. If my friends knew what I was doing? They would have me committed to a lunatic asylum. The Lady whispered in my ear again, you are almost there. When I got to the Hopi information center, She said stop! you are here. Stop. I stopped. I got out of my car. I didn’t see anyone out and about. I said I am here, what am I supposed to do? I’m sure these Indians are going to love some white Christian dude showing up on their rez during a pandemic, who drove 484 miles because some he heard some nagging lady whispering in his ear.
I walked around and started cleaning up the trash around the place and putting it in the garbage. I had no idea why it was so important for me to come here. I had never even heard of the Hopi or the second mesa until that morning. I got back in my car to find a better parking spot and noticed there was a big dodge truck with a 5th wheel behind it. I thought maybe this person will know why I am here. Then I started laughing because that is the question of the ages.
He came out and said good morning, friend. You hungry? I said no. I said I have a question. He said my name is red sky bear. I said you don’t look native. He said I am shaman. I said cool. Nice to meet you Shaman dude. I didn’t know why I was here or what I was supposed to do. I told him the whole story. This morning, I was getting gas in Palm Desert California and this Lady whispered in my ear to come here. I had never even heard her voice ever before and I had honestly never heard of these people or this place until that morning. She was very persistent and said that it was very important that I come here and so I did. Do you know why I am here? He said funny, I was in Minnesota and heard this lady who very persistent tell me the same thing. I drove nonstop to be here as well. I was wondering if you knew why I was here. He said I have some lawn chairs and let’s have a smoke and maybe someone else who knows why we are here will show up. I said, ok, sounds good to me.
It was really cloudy and windy outside. I got kind of cold, so I grabbed this purple blanket that has all these things written on it like hope, faith, love, peace and stuff like that in gold thread all over it. I sat in the chair, and He went and got a deer skull and hung it on the tree. I said what does that mean? I don’t really know shaman stuff. He said it means allot of different things. I said why did ya hang it on that tree? He said I felt like I should. Maybe you should do what you feel you should do?
Some Hopi Indian dude shows up in a brand-new ford F-150. He says, what are you guys doing? So, we told him, we heard this Lady whisper on the wind. Never heard her ever before in our lives. She said to come here. We are here and we don’t know why or what we are supposed to do. The shaman said, can we speak to your elders. The Indian dude says to me, you want to buy a kachina doll? He had a blue kachina doll lying next to him in the passenger seat of his truck. I said I don’t think I came here to buy a doll. I said dude, if you can have a lady whisper on the wind to me and get to drive 484 miles to buy a kachina doll? That is one hell of a marketing plan you have Kemosabe. He started laughing and then tells me I have to move my car. It’s on sacred land. I said Oh shit, sorry. I didn’t know that. I don’t even know why I am supposed to be here. I will move my car. He said I will go talk to the elders and come back.
I moved my car, and we sat back down in our lawn chairs. All the sudden the Indian reservation came alive. We saw tons of cars drive by, slow down and look at us sitting there. I felt like animal at the zoo. Everyone was driving by probably wondering why two white dudes were camped out there. We waited a while and I said to the shaman dude, what are we doing? He said it again, maybe you should do what you feel you should do?
So, I stood up, wrapped my blanket around my neck. The wind was blowing, and it looked like a cape flying off the back of me. I noticed this very old water well. The shaman dude pulled out a drum and started beating his drum. I started walking to this old water well. I got to it and I looked inside. It was full of dirt. I thought that is weird. I never seen an old water well that was full of dirt. I walked around it, looking at the stones that it was made of. There was one stone that didn’t match the other stones. So, I touched it. then I stood there. The wind was howling, and it was cold. I looked up into the sky, it was dark and cloudy. Then, I don’t know why I did it. I just climbed up and stood in the old water well. I stood there and the wind that was blowing my blanket like a cape. Then all the sudden the wind stopped blowing. I looked up to the sky and then closed my eyes. I just stood there. I said in my head, I don’t know why I am here, the Lady told me to come here so here I am. I felt the warm sun on my face. I stood there completely still, hearing the drum of the shaman, in that water well, filled with dirt, feeling the warm sun on my face for a while. I opened my eyes, and I could see the clouds had parted and the sun was shining right down on me.
After about 10-11 minutes I got back down off the well. I turned and looked in the well and I left the imprint from my converse all-star tennis shoes the numbers 11 and 11 next to each other in the center of it. 2 footprints with the number 11 inside of them in the center of the well. Which is kind of of funny, because my clean and sober date is 02/11/2020. All these people now days say, 11:11 make a wish. I laugh because wishing wells are a thing and I left the imprint of 11 11 in a well that day. They say 1111 is an Angel number. hahaha I dont think I am an Angel. I just Andy. I like being just Andy.
As I was walking way the clouds came back, the wind started again. I walked over to the Shaman who wasn’t playing his drum anymore. I said did ya see the clouds open up and the warm sunshine beam down on me? He smiled, laughed and said to me, how could you not? Everyone did. Then he pointed to where I stood in the well. I turned and we saw a bunch of old Indians standing there. Like Really old, dressed in really old stuff from a long time ago. Some were dressed in suits like full size kachina dolls, and they were dancing. I never even heard the term Kachina until that day. I said why did ya stop beating your drum? The shaman said don’t you hear the music and singing? I said I didn’t notice. I was just feeling the sun on my face while I stood in that well. So I sat quiet, I looked over at all of them really old Indian dudes, some who were dressed as Kachinas dancing, I closed my eyes, and I heard a vast number of Indians singing and beating drums, playing music and singing there and way off in the distance. I sat there with my eyes closed listening to them sing and play for a good while. When I opened my eyes, they were all gone. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes, looked again. They were gone. I thought even though I am completely clean and sober, I am tripping out. I heard the lady who whispered on the wind to me say, it is finished. The Shaman dude heard Her to.
The Indian dude in the ford f150 never showed back up. I looked at the shaman dude, said Hey! Let me get your number. I got his phone number and texted him, so he had mine. I said, I have to go back to home, back to palm desert California. It’s getting late and I didn’t tell anyone I was coming here. I just drove here. I forgot to tell anyone I was coming here. I probably won’t tell them I even came here. They would think I was nuts because I was completely sober and of sound mind.
He said you know, something occurred to me while you were standing there in that spot. I said what is that. He said for the first time ever in recorded history not a single person of any religion entered any house of worship on the planet while you stood there. The whole world yielded while you entered into that circle and stood there. Not a Jew, not a Catholic, not a Muslim, not a Buddhist, not a single person of any kind of faith on the planet, entered any house of worship while you stood there. It is covid lock downs. there isn’t any churches open. I said wow, I didn’t even think about that. That is pretty wild. I said I well, I waited long enough for the Indian dude in the F-150. I am getting out of here. it’s a long drive home. My roommates are probably wondering where I am at. I didn’t have all this planned today. We shook hands, He said I will wait until the elders come. you should wait they may want to talk to you. I said Well the Lady said I did what I was supposed to do. We both heard it. I got to get dude. Nice to meet ya. You have my number. I got in my car and left.
I called the Shaman about a week after all this and said Hey man! Did you ever talk to the Elders? What did they say? He said about hour and a half after you left, they shut the whole Indian rez down and kicked everyone not a Hopi off the rez. Locked it down. Nobody in and nobody out. I never talked to them. I said Oh… well we did what we were supposed to do for whatever reasons.
on 04/08/2024 there was total solar eclipse across the United States of America. The total solar eclipse started 4 years after, to the very minute of when I entered in and stood in the well there at the Hopi Indian Rez that day. 4 years later to the minute! I had no idea that there would be a Total Solar eclipse on that day 4 years after I stood there. I had never heard of the Hopi before that day. I had no idea what I was even doing when I got there. I just felt my way through it. I had never heard that Ladys voice ever before in my life until that day. I only heard her one other time since then.
A few years after I stood there. prior to the eclipse. I was working The Tool Concert at the Tacoma Dome. I stood by the stairs where the band entered and exited the stage. As I stood there before the show. I looked over and saw the 4 corners symbol drawn on the floor exactly under my left hand in yellow chalk. The circle with a cross in the middle of it. A stagehand came over and placed a couple boxes on my right, right under my right hand that had the word Mesa written on them. The entire show, while they played their music for the people attending, I had the 4 corners symbol under my left hand and 2 boxes next to me under my right hand that said mesa. mesa mesa, or the second mesa. I heard the lady that whispered on the wind that day whisper in my ear, “You are the bridge.” I said I am the bridge. not realizing I was talking to her. She said, “Yes, you are the bridge.” I said, Ok I am the bridge and laughed. I have never heard her again, since that moment. Those are the only times I ever heard Her voice. I have no idea who she is. Maybe, She is The Queen of Heaven. I don’t know. I don’t know why out of over 8 billion people on the entire planet, She chose the Shaman and Me to speak too. Or how we heard Her that day when nobody else did. I have thought to myself several times, there has to be a way more qualified people to go there and do this sort of thing. but she chose us to be there that day. I have asked myself, the hopi, and a few others, and prayed about it many times. I still have no idea why She chose us. I don’t know why She couldn’t have asked a Hopi Elder to stand there that day would have saved a lot of money on gas for both of us. Or some other person who has their shit together better than I do. I’m not very good at spelling, personal finances and being married and more than a few things. Just ask my ex-wives. They will tell you! hahahahhahaha He is a Shaman and I am a Christian and….. Yet, She chose us for some reason.
While I was at the Tool Concert that night. Every time I looked up at the stage to see if everything was ok, I saw Maynard James Keenan lead singer staring at me there with the 4 corners under my left hand and 2 mesa boxes under my right hand. I never spoked to him. Every time I looked at him, he was singing and staring at me with that look of wonder like a child. Like he knew but he didn’t know. That is exactly how I feel many times. After the show, All the other band members gave me high 5 as they passed me on the stairs there next to the stage. It was a really good show. They played really well. Their entire visual show is elements, egyptian stuff, hermetic orders and dragons.
As I said, all of this, is like God told me one day, you are going to build a ship, and it’s going to take you to an entirely new world, filled with adventure, vast treasures and kingdoms filled with people you have never heard of. You are going to tell them about Me. All I know is, I have all the materials, and I am working with a Master Craftsman and He is speaking to me through my Intuition as I assemble this ship that has never been built before. I have no idea where it’s going to take me. Nobody has ever sailed that direction. I do know that God is not a liar, and I trust He knows what He is doing. To me, It feels, exactly like this. It is like I know but I don’t know. So, I pray and mediate in contemplation a lot and build it as I go.
- Angels (10)
- Beyond Space and Time (13)
- Fulfillment. (42)
- Jedi (7)
- Life (55)
- Love (42)
- Miracles (42)
- Prophecy (24)
- Right on Schedule (35)
- THE DUDE (17)
- The Power of God (42)
- Treasure (42)
3 responses to “Greater Awareness”
What a mystical experience Andy. Thanks so much for sharing this with everyone. Merry Christmas.
Thanks, dude. I was hesitant to share that one. It all true. I still talk to the Shaman once and a while. We had never met until that day. A divine intersection.
I think sometimes it’s a need-to-know thing. God lets ya know, what you need to know, when you need to know it.
Ok, Cool! Thank you! I am open to receive. I am open to receive. I accept and I receive.
Merry Christmas to you as well John.
Thanks Dude for leading me Andys site