The Great and Mighty Flying Coyote



6 responses to “The Great and Mighty Flying Coyote”

  1. John Avatar

    I love the story. I’m not sure if you intended it to follow up on the AI post, but as I read the tale I thought about the desire and illusion of control, as well as the overconfidence I hear. The blue birds are like those researchers who now have second thoughts.

    1. Andy Avatar

      Every single miracle creation story (or “post” as you called it) on this site is made through intuitive means by The Power of God working through my experiances. Each miracle creation story, weaves in symphony concert creating an elaborate tapestry whole.

      Even the comments play have their role.

      Some need no comment at all. Just the rush of the waves felt.

    2. Andy Avatar

      John, You do know these are all not just true to life miracle stories right?

      These are also parables. Jesus spoke in parables.

      Some of these parables are about religious organizations. Some of these parables are about Financial Empires. Some of these parables are about countries that are now and some that haven’t even been born yet.

      Some of these addresses the individual and some address the individual and humanity as a whole simultaneously.

      Even the garden of Eden started with a seed. The seed was the word that spoke it and all creation into existence. The Tree of life started with a seed. The Treed of wisdom of knowledge of Good and Evil started with a seed.

      within a single apple seed holds the potential to create a thousand thousand orchards. Each true story of a miracle holds the potential to create a thousand thousand orchards of true miracle experiences.

      I am just the vessel. It is The Father that doeth the work.

    3. Andrew Avatar

      I edited the last comment for clarification. There is many gifted people visiting this site, even though they don’t comment. Many who are masters of their trade. Some you may know and some you may have heard of. Some who may never be known. Yet they are masters of the time, some are masters of space, some are masters of creating. Some are masters of finance. Some are spiritual gurus. Even though they do not comment, it doesn’t mean they are not present none the less. Even though they don’t comment doesn’t mean they are not proficient in their skills.

      This entire website creation is not just about benefiting me or showing others what God did for me and can do for them. It’s a living creation. Much like those 25 adults and 25 kids who got off the boat on the shores of Alki Beach in that first step of faith, became Seattle in the future.

      Hope that makes sense.

  2. John Avatar

    I appreciate the website Andy. Thank you for creating it. I was thinking about “Tangible Realities” earlier.

    I just realized that today is 12 years since Atun when end of the world happened on12/12/12 and we entered Terrance McKenna’s eschaton.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      Thank you, that is interesting. Thank you for sharing. You are welcome. With respect, I don’t want to further detract anything more from very very old story handed down from generation to generation through the oldest tribe in North and South America that I was privileged to hear and pass on. This story could be over 5000 years old and had never been told before outside the Hopi Tribe. If ya catch my drift. This story merits its own value.



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