10 Wonders and 1 Mill


22 responses to “10 Wonders and 1 Mill”

  1. John Avatar

    My first thought upon reading the quote goes to Platos cave. The true light is analogous to the sunlight in the allegory.

    1. Andy Avatar

      Well I know from NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) that the soul does not exist within the body but attached to the body at the heart. Like the Sun (Sol)is outside the body of the earth (Heart). The time that it takes Sunlight (Sol)to reach the earth (Heart) is 8 and a half minutes. When a person flat lines, after 8 and a half minutes they are pronounced bodily dead. It has been my experience and countless others they were floating above their body looking down at it and could see it, hear everything, smell everything using no physical eyes, ears and nose. Yet they could see, hear and smell perfectly. From my experience there is a cord that attaches to your heart from your soul. After 8 and a half minutes it dissolves, these white light beings show up that smell like cookies and are super friendly, the tunnel of light opens up and you are usured through it. They are fast, very fast and one time when I experienced an NDE I took off another direction right before the tunnel of light opened up and went towards the belt of Orion. There is a barrier they will not cross. I saw them stop at a point and I kept going, they were not so nice when I did that but they would not follow me.

      It says in one part of the chapter (which is interesting because we both know the term “Woo”) It says, “Woo into the heart the resurrection power of Christ and new life will spring up in you and around you. In doing so, it transforms you and the world around you. The resurrection power of Christ nullifies aging and even death. ”

      I have never seen or heard the term woo used anywhere else before except those old dudes. from their examples and experiences, it is a chance happening, or an occurrence. Which has been my experience many times as well. From my studies some people experience Woo experiences more than others.

      I never thought of it as a focused thing or a prayer.

      This line says draw into your heart the Woo of Christs Resurrection Power. In doing so, it transforms you and the world around you. The resurrection power of Christ nullifies aging and death.

      I have a miracle experiance with some other stamps, I will post that tomorrow.

      1. John Avatar

        Lol, I just watched an Amazon TV ad and everyone is opening boxes and saying “woo” 😀

        1. Andrew Avatar

          hahahahahahahahaaha! Now that is funny!

    2. Andy Avatar

      I spoke with my friend who gave it to me this weekend. She said thank God I didn’t read it. ha ha ha
      I am very careful what I quote from it. When I am done reading it, I will return it to the Vatican. That is for sure.

      It is definitely not something for the spiritually immature. I think the stamps it produced, were for only me. I think it would produce something entirely different for someone else. I am sure it would read entirely different to someone else.

      I was reading last week the dialog between the Pope a the time and Napolean. The Pope comes to the conclusion if Napolean is not turned back from his pursuit, He would rise in power to become the end of the world Ant-Christ described in the book of apocalypse (we call The Book of Revelations in the Bible) no matter his intention or not of becoming the Anti-Christ. The Pope at the time gives Napolean a stern warning to cease and desist. Napolean writes back, I will not stop unless it is an act of God.

      The Pope issues a calling to these Elite of the Elite, (with THE TOUCH of GOD) to gather in a place and call down The Wrath of God upon this situation to stymie off the fulfillment of the book of Apocalypse in Napolean’s Rise to Power. These Priests are like the Delta Force Elite of Prayer. Like super badass prayer dudes.

      These Priests who are the Elite of the Elite (Empowered by God Himself) have a secret meeting, and shortly after one of the worst winters in history of Europe, occurs and Napolean’s army leaves its guns and cannons on the battlefield and flees in fear for their lives, because they thought they would freeze to death. Stopping Napolean’s further rise to power and becoming the Anti-Christ.

      Pretty wild stuff. The Power of Prayer. There is an old saying, “There is those who are are affected by the power of God and there is those who touched by the Power of God and then, is THE TOUCH. ”

      These Priests who are the Elite of the Elite have THE TOUCH. They are empowered not by wealth and money but GOD Himself.

      So, I am very careful on what I quote from This Book. Because This Book is written by those with THE TOUCH.

      Please note the similarities between this dialog found echoed in our present day. President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Joe Biden said, “I won’t stop running for Presidency unless it’s an act of God” and President Donald Trump is quoted as saying, “Cease and desist”

      And of course, it’s now history that Kamala didn’t show up at the Catholic roast prior to the election.

      I don’t believe for a minute The Vatican thinks Joe Biden was rising to the power of Anti-Christ in the book of Apocalypse but the man hiding behind him was perhaps. I think Obama was pulling the strings on Joe and Kamala The whole time.

      All very interesting stuff and there is many who are quoted prior to the election as saying, “this is not just an election this is a battle between Good and Evil.” and “This Election is about saving not just the United States but Saving the world.”

      President Trump didn’t just win against Kamala Harris. Trump won against Bill and Hilary Clinton, George Bush and Dick Chenny, Obama and Joe Biden and Harris, and everyone else who was considered Hollywood elite in Music, Movies, TV on their side.

      That is a Big Win against a lot of worldly powerful people.

      I certainly do not desire the Vatican Elite of the Elite, Special forces Priests coming after me. ha ha haha “Fear of The LORD is the beginning of Wisdom.”

      So I will return The Book to the Vatican after I am done reading it. I am greatly honored to be found worthy of its company for the time it is with me.

      1. Andy Avatar

        OHHHHH. Duh! The Reason they were made was because of Pope Leo XIII vision that Satan was going to destroy The Church. So The Books were made and sent to 73 Dudes all over the world to ensure that even if The Vatican burned down to the ground the Truth would hopefully survive somewhere on earth.


        Now i really wonder if all the other 72 books were destroyed over the last 143 years and I had the only one that survived. And that is why the Priests at that Church stood there with their mouths open and their eyes buldging like they were going to fall out of their heads and roll around on the floor right there.

        I think That is the Truth of the Matter.

        Ok, Cool! I did the right thing then. Sweet!

  2. John Avatar

    That’s fascinating Andy. I was watching an episode of Holy Marvels last night and they talked about Napoleon with respect to the crown of thorns and a crown he used made with a nail from the cross, and also the spear that pierced Our Lord. It mentioned later that later he fell in the misfortune that described. Now with your information if that’s on a new perspective. Thank you.

    1. Andy Avatar

      You bet. The Vatican was clear that he was portraying Himself as Christ and they did not like that.

      The differnce between men like him and President Trump is President Trump clearly points to Jesus Christ as The Boss.

  3. John Avatar

    I’ve heard of woo in two contexts. The supernatural “woo woo” but nothing ever in a religious context and I thought it might even be a sixties term, like the Age of Aquarius in Hair was woo woo. Never in a religious book before, especially this old which is interesting in itself.

    The other context I remember was in high school we used woo as a verb that meant seeing affection, coaxing, invite, or favor (that was usually romantic) after grade 11 our Romeo and Juliet classes. Wooing someone with chocolate, flowers, or Richard Marx concert tickets. Lol.

    So I take it that the reader is being told to make an active choice to invite Christ’s resurrection power into their heart, and align with his life-giving energy. From that the personal transformation internally results. Those inner spiritual changes can have outward effects.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      Yes Sir, I thought the same thing. I was in meditation, and I asked THE DUDE what would This Book be sold for? what is the value of this book? HE pointed me to the stamps I received. 101 million. That is a lot of money. I replied I won’t ever sell it. I was just wondering, and he pointed to one stamp, that says wonder. I said I want to go give it back to the Church, I read about 85% Already. It’s too valuable to keep at my place. I will go and give it back to the Church after I am done Meditating. I won’t ask for reward or anything in return. It belongs to them; it is their property. It’s the right thing to do. THE DUDE said Keep the stamps. So, I took out the stamps, placed with the other stuff I find. I am on my way now to give the book to the Priest at the Catholic Church I know of.

      I would never sell it. I don’t care that its $101,000,000.00 to someone able to pay that much. It’s worth more than that to the Church. Its far more valuable to God. I don’t think I should keep a $101,000,000.00 book laying on the bar at my house. Especially when I already read most of it. I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to read it and not be worthy of its contents.

      I am on my way now to give the book to the Priest at the Catholic Church I know of. And That will be That!

    2. Andy Avatar

      John, You should have seen the look on them Priests faces when I told them what Book I had and was returning it to The Church. I thought their eyeballs were gonna fall right out of their face and roll around on the floor right there. They looked at me like deer in head lights.

      Then one said Excuse me what book is that? uhm what Book do you have. so I told them, and I turned to the page where Pope Leo XIII Signed it and see right there Pope Leo XIII Signed The Book Himself in pen ink on 06 April 1879. The Priest was flabbergasted and said we will make sure it returns to the Vatican. Thank You!

      I said that book has lots of warnings in it and says it is protected by The Queen of Heaven Herself. So, I would take them seriously. They said, we understand, we will make sure it returns to the Vatican. Thank you!

      They asked for name. I said, I’m just Andy. But a lot of people call me Dude. They asked my contact information, and I said I am not giving you that info but God knows my who I am. If you find the time during the day to say a blessing for me upon my life, That would be great. Have a wonderful day! I turned and walked out.

      1. John Avatar

        That’s great news Andy. I’m sure the Holy Spirit will lead the book to where it’s meant to be next.

    3. Andy Avatar

      I love how you said this, “To Invite Christ’s Resurrection Power Into Their Heart, And Align With His Life-Giving Energy. From That The Personal Transformation Internally Results. Those Inner Spiritual Changes Can Have Outward Effects.”

      It is interesting because The Book refered to the soul as The Vocation. All through the entire book it says replaced the word soul with Vocation.

      And ya Dude, it was given to me to return it to The Church.

      From the Look on The Prisests faces it may be the only one left in existance out of the original 73 printed.

      That occured to me as i was leaving.

  4. Andy Avatar

    I just realized the Church I am going to give This Book to is in Mount Vernon, Washington.

    Mount Vernon is President Washington’s Home.

    Symbolistic of,

    Restoring God’s Holy Word to our Nation.

    On The Back of every one-dollar bill. With Washingtons picture on the front.


    1. Andy Avatar

      Like it is In God we Trust that backs the Dollar.

      O.K. Glad I could be of Service. Thanks!

  5. Andy Avatar

    Just another day in the Life of Andy.

    Hahahahahahaha. One day your standing in a Hopi Indian Well filled with Dirt durring pandemic lock downs on a day nobody went into a church. Three years later Im returning a Holy Book to the Vatican, signed by a Pope who had a vision of satan destroying the church.


    O.K. All Good DUDE! Glad I could help.

  6. Andy Avatar

    I think that is what Angels refer to as…. bases loaded, Grand Slam, knocked it out of the park Home Run!

    Ya. I think that is what Angels call that right there.

  7. John Avatar

    I looked on YouTube and there was a Priest visiting a Catholic church Mount Vernon, WA church on Saturday doing mission service. This same guest priest blessed President Trump before the September NYC rally and gave him a relic of a piece of the true cross.


    I also just watched a TV show about the history of the True Cross yesterday.

    1. Andy Avatar

      Would ya look at that,

      the Timing of such things.

    2. John Avatar

      Sorry. It has the same name as the church in Mount Vernon WA but it’s Mount Vernon, NY.

      Awesome that the priests acknowledged the book with their reaction and it will make its way back home.

      1. Andrew Avatar

        All Good, I did the right thing. I apologize for my late publication today. I had experienced a miracle having to do with money last night. So, I sat in wonder for a while.

  8. John Avatar

    I understand what you meant about most people not being (spiritually) ready to understand the book. It extends to the miracles around us.

    In my own life, I feel like THE DUDE might have been teaching me, but my old self couldn’t understand the message he was sending to my spirit. Paul said GOD speaks to us through visions and dreams as we grow, but love is the ultimate goal.

    When Peter declared Jesus as the Son of the Most High GOD. Christ responded that only the Father could have revealed this to him. The curtain was lifted, and a revelation was given. When Moses could meet with GOD face to face, he’d matured to a point more than what others on Earth reached.

    It’s like Helen Keller’s transformation. What seemed like incoherent symbols became a miracle. In a flash, a blind and deaf girl realized the impressions upon her hand were not random, but a language that would unlock everything for her.

    Andy, a hidden message is slowly soaking your being, preparing you for something much greater, like water in a desert. You’re continuing to learn a priceless language—an intimate communion with THE DUDE.
    I was mentioning earlier about watching a show about the history of the cross, nails, and spear, and just now I received a post that some roman nails from the first century as part a found hoard are available for purchase. Not sure that I want one but it’s kinda interesting.



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