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Double Happiness
This is a wonderful story about two Cherry Blossom trees. Of course, All my stories are true stories of miracles.
When I started working down in Seattle in August of 2021 my office was located in rough area of Seattle. It’s on the corner of Airport way and Holgate. A few blocks down the street is the Methadone clinic. Every day, I’d see this long parade of poor people walk down to the Methadone Clinic hunched over like they were carrying Giant Invisible Bolders on their backs to get their daily dose of methadone and when they returned the other direction they would be walking, standing straight up. They would use the cross walk between these two Cherry blossom trees to catch the bus on the other side. It was a very sad thing to witness day after day.
One day I asked my Regional what is up with those trees outside they don’t have any leaves on them. He said oh they are cherry blossom trees, and they died 3 years ago. They haven’t had a single leaf grow on them for 3 years. The owner of the property keeps saying, one day he will have them removed but he hasn’t done it yet. We talked about numbers, and he left to go check on some other offices. I went outside and was looking at them trees. There was trash on the ground everywhere. A couple old ladies with canes came up to me and one asked if I had any spare change. I looked in my wallet and saw I had some cash on me said I will tell you what, I will you pay you and your friend $20 bucks each and get you some gloves and a trash bag if you both pick all this trash in front of my office and I will even help you. They both smiled big and said Yes sir. I said I will right back. I went in my office grabbed 2 pairs of gloves and couple trash bags and a leaf rake. We cleaned all the trash up and put it in the bags and it looked really nice out there. I paid them both $20 bill each and they went on their way.
The next day I am sitting at my desk and hear a big commotion outside my office. I ran to the door and saw one of them ladies who helped me clean up the trash the day before beating a younger fella with her cane and yelling at him. She was really beating the hell out of him with her cane. hahah I went outside thinking he took something from her and said Hey! what is going on?! She said he threw some trash right there and I told him, I just spent part of the day yesterday cleaning all that up and told him to pick it up! He came back over apologized and picked it up his pop can and a sandwich baggy and put them in his pocket. I told her right then and there, you come by my office every Monday with your friend, and I will pay you $20 each to pick up any trash going forward. She said Yes Sir! After a couple weeks beating every person who threw trash on the ground with their canes Infront of my office there wasn’t any trash Infront of my office anymore. I kept paying them each $20 every Monday for being the trash police.
One day I was out Infront of my office having a smoke and talking to those little old ladies with their canes who had a little old Asian lady with them. I said I wonder if we could do anything with those trees. Look a them, not single leaf on them. My Boss said they were dead. One of the little old ladies said they used to be really beautiful a couple 3 years ago but they died. The little old Asian lady looks at me and then looks away then says, those trees aren’t dead, they are just sad. They are sad because of all these sick people are sad and they throw trash everywhere. The other old ladies started laughing and said no those trees are dead. They left and went about there day.
The next day I got the office around 4 and made a pot of coffee. I would get there really early before the phone started ringing off the hook to get some work done without distraction. I went outside and stood there looking at those trees having a smoke and a cup of coffee. I remembered the little old Asian lady said, “Those trees aren’t dead, they are sad.” I looked over at them and said Good Morning Trees! Happy Wednesday! Good to see you out here standing so tall. Supposed to be a beautiful day today! let’s make it the best day ever. The I laughed at myself and said Oh I need more coffee. Here I am talking to some dead trees. The i heard the little old Asian lady say in my head, they are not dead, they are sad.
Every single day I’d get there early, make my pot of coffee, grab a smoke and every single day I would go out and stand Infront of those cherry trees and say, Good Morning Trees! Happy Monday (or Tuesday or Wednesday whatever day it was)! Good to see you out here standing so tall. Supposed to be a beautiful day today! or I’d let them know it was going to rain or if it was going to be cold, let’s make today the best day ever. At the end of the day when I was leaving my office, I’d say Have a good night trees! Stay beautiful! Blow them a kiss and say Thanks for being you! See you guys in the morning. I kept doing that every single day from September to February.
On 21 February 2022, I was with my daughter, and I had to stop by the office and do a few things really quick. The reason I know the date is I have it dated on my phone with the picture. As we are driving past the front of my office my daughter says, Wow! look how beautiful those two trees are Infront of your office. I said what? She said look! They are blossoming! I love Cherry Blossoms! So beautiful. I look over, hit the breaks on my car and I screamed! WOW! There they were blossoming!!!!! She said yeah! They are sooo beautiful!

I was awe struck! We get out of the car and my daughter says, Look! they are the only two trees on the entire street blooming. I looked down airport way one way then the other way and not a single other Cherry Blossom tree was blooming. So, we got back in the car and drove all over Seattle for an hour and not a single other cherry tree had a blossom on it. None of the other trees where blooming at all. Then we drove back to my office, and I walked up to them and said there you are! Good to see ya out here looking so beautiful! You guys are so radiant and beautiful, you are making all the other trees look bad out here, laugh and I blow them a kiss. Much love!
About a week goes by and they are still the only two cherry blossom trees blooming in the entire Seattle area. Then a few days later the others started to blossom outward, in a spiral pattern (with those two trees at its center), all around Seattle. I drove around and noticed that all the other cherry trees were blossoming in a spiral pattern outward with those two trees at its center, Truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed!
I was out there one day talking to those ladies and the little old Asian lady says, I told you they weren’t dead, they were just sad. She said, I wonder what them happy. I laughed and said good question! The next day I went outside on the way out from work and said Have a good night trees! Stay beautiful! I blew them a kiss and say Thanks for being you! See ya in the morning. I looked down and there was this little piece of paper laying there on the sidewalk. I bent down and picked it up and this was it. I still have it! I taped it on the outside of my bucket the Hopi Elder told me I needed for my stuff to make a song.

Double Happiness!
I just smiled and looked back at those two Happy Trees. I looked it up what Double Happiness meant in Chinese, and it’s so beautiful as it relates to my two cherry blossom trees it made me cry a little. If you have never heard of the Legend of Double Happiness, it’s a really good one from The Tang Dynasty.
According to legend, there was a student on his way to the capital to take an examination, after which the top scorers would be selected as ministers of the court. Unfortunately, the student fell ill along the way as he passed through a mountain village. But thankfully, an herbalist and his daughter took him to their house and expertly treated him.
The student recovered quickly because of their good care. However, when the time came for him to leave, he found it hard to say goodbye to the herbalist’s daughter, and so did she—they had fallen in love with each other. So, the girl wrote down half of a couplet for the student:
“Green trees against the sky in the spring rain while the sky set off the spring trees in the obscuration. “With that, the student left to take his examination, promising to return to her.
The young man ended up scoring highest in the examination. The emperor recognized his intellect and, as part of the interview that followed, asked him to finish part of a couplet. The emperor wrote:
“Red flowers dot the land in the breeze’s chase while the land colored up in red after the kiss.”
The young man realized immediately that the girl’s half-couplet was a perfect fit for the emperors, so he used her words to answer. The emperor was delighted with this response and appointed the young man as a minister of the court. Before beginning the position, however, the student was allowed to pay a visit to his hometown.
He ran back to the herbalist’s daughter and told her the story of the two half-couplets coming together perfectly as one. They soon wed, and during the ceremony, they doubled the Chinese character for “happy” on a red piece of paper and placed it on the wall. That is the legend of Double Happiness.
In the springtime, my two beautiful cherry blossom trees in front of my office, also with “Their pink and red flowers dot the land in the breeze’s chase while the land colored up in red and pink after the kiss.”
- Angels (10)
- Beyond Space and Time (13)
- Fulfillment. (42)
- Jedi (7)
- Life (55)
- Love (42)
- Miracles (42)
- Prophecy (24)
- Right on Schedule (35)
- THE DUDE (17)
- The Power of God (42)
- Treasure (42)
8 responses to “Double Happiness”
What a wonderful story. It made my morning to read this. Thank you.
It made me almost cry, all the love and healing in what humans can do.
I currently have been giving love to a Japanese plum tree here on our prairie south of Seattle. It was pretty sickly and poor looking when we planted it and I was sure it would fail. Currently it has not lost a single leaf, even in the freezing weather and stands strong in its pride. I love that tree!
They give us much.
Wow! That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. 🙂
After my reply to John i had to run and do some stuff.
And this is freaking hilarous! I was at the store picking something up this lady was standing in front of me with a little girl and the little girl goes into a total melt down and throws herself on the floor and starts thrashing around screaming. The lady looks over at me and the down to her daughter and says Chelsea Ann! Points at me and says Santa is watching you! The little girl looks over at me i pointed to my eyes and pointed at her. She jumped straight up and said sorry Santa! Turned wrapped her arms around her mothers leg, looked up and said I love you Mommy! Hahahahahaa the lady looks over at me and mouthed the word sorry. I just smiled. That little girl did not take her eyes off me the whole time. As they were leaving the check out the lady turned smiled really big said thank you Santa! and blew me a kiss. I just nodded my head. After i got out to my car i rubbed my beard with my hand and said, Maybe having a white beard isnt such a bad thing after all. I been laughing and smiling ever since.
Andy, my ‘spirit walker’ friend… (how long since anyone has called you that?) it is good to read your stories here. The DUDE has imbued you with so much ‘QI’… life Energy… that you positively radiate the stuff, even to the trees. That’s why butterflies perch on you in the storm. That’s why old friends call and say “I need you…”. And that is why The DUDE puts you right where you need to be… always. Carry On! [Salutes]
Good to see you Hank. thank you!