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Right on Schedule
Some of my friends have heard this story and it was on my old website. I have thousands upon thousands of experiences to share with you in hope that you experience the same. I could never run out of true stories to tell about miracles because they happen every day in my life. I was speaking to THE DUDE about how best to proceed, and HE said, this one next. I will also be taking weekends off from writing and producing. I have giant old book from the vatican I been meaning to read, and I am going to spend much of this weekend reading that.
This one is about The Miracle in the Mess.
A friend and I were talking about running late. She said, “At the end of the day I made it home in one piece and I guess I was right on schedule.” She does not know that is one of my tag lines I have been using for many years. “We are right on schedule.” I hate being late for anything. I am more the kind of fella that would rather be early and have 10-15 minutes to just sit there and spend some time being still. I used to be an hour to work early every day. Just so I could have that coffee and time to get my head in gear. Like a subtle non dedicated time to meditate.
About 10 years ago, now, I woke late for work and anyone who lives in the greater Seattle area knows that 530am wave of traffic. The commute from Arlington to Seattle is about 45 minutes in the morning if you beat that 515 to 530 wave of traffic. IF you find yourself lucky enough to participate in the wave that 45-minute drive now just became 2-3 hours of sitting there next to a million Subaru wagons full of people all wearing North Face Jackets, eating trail mix and drinking Starbucks pumpkin spice latta’s. It is Quite the experience, I assure you. hahahaha.
That morning, I woke up late and had the absolute pleasure of surfing the commute. My entire life was falling down around me at the time. I was in the middle of a terribly expensive and nasty divorce where I was getting screwed at every turn. I got to work, prechecked my truck and hauled ass to the Job in Bellevue. I got the last load off the jobsite and by the time I got off work I hit the wave home. I was 20 minutes late to my counseling appointment because I was late getting off work. I was meeting a friend at Flapjacks restaurant in Marysville after counseling and I let them know I was going to be late for that as well. I must of ranted for about 15 minutes about being late in my divorce counseling appointment about traffic. Much to joy of my divorce counselor I reckon.
After I got out of counselling. I didn’t want to go to meet my friend at all. I was completely exhausted emotionally and mentally from my divorce and being late all day and fighting traffic frankly kicked my ass. That being said, I am a man of my word and keep my commitments. so, I said to myself, Cowboy up! Let’s go! I left counselling, I went over to meet my friend at the flap jacks Restaurant in Marysville Washington. I pulled into the parking lot across the street. Got out of my car and as I turned around to hit the remote to lock the car. I saw out of the corner of my eye a jeep across the parking lot with its door open and what looked like a person laying on the ground next to it. I did a double take see because of the way their shoes had the toes pointing to the sky and sure as shit there was a person laying on the ground next to a brand-new Jeep with passenger side door open. I ran across the parking lot.
When I got there I found an elderly lady laying on the ground. I looked in her Jeep and her purse was sitting on the passenger seat. That answered my question if it foul play or not. I rolled her over and shook her. She was out cold. It was February and in the mid 20’s outside. I could see my breath from running across the parking lot. I could not see hers. I shook her leg to see if I could get a response, I felt her pulse, nothing. I stuck my ear to her mouth and nothing. I yelled, HELP! Nobody was around in the parking lot. So, I started doing CPR and call 9-11. They were asking me questions while I was doing chest compressions. About 3 or 4 minutes went by, right before the ambulance got there. She sat straight up, wrapped her around me and started sobbing. Clinging to me like her life depended on it. She started saying, I’m sorry! Im soooo sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too!!!! Huge sobs of tears streamed down her cheeks. over and over saying Im sooooo sorry! I just held her tight and said I’m right here. I’m right here. You are safe! I won’t let go! its Ok! You are ok! Its Ok! I asked her, her name and she said Liberty! My name is Liberty! I said, Well Ms. Liberty, I’m so happy you made it back and didn’t die. I just held her while she cried and clung to me. I told her everything is going to be ok. everything is going to be ok. You are safe now. I am right here.
A few moments later the Ambulance and Police showed up to the parking lot, took her over and loaded her into the ambulance. I went to her car and grabbed her purse, picked up her keys off the ground, locked the jeep compass up and handed them to the paramedic inside the ambulance. Who told me she had most likely went into diabetic shock and had a stroke. I told him I was just glad I was there. He just smiled, said well done. You saved her life. Shut the door to the ambulance and they drove off towards the hospital.
The police said they didn’t need anything from me got in their car and drove off. I stood there for a minute and let it all sink in. Thank God I was late all day or I wouldn’t have been there for that lady. I went over to meet my friend inside the flapjack restaurant and he said, you ok dude? I said I have never been better. He laughed and said what was all that about pointing out the window. I shrugged and I guess I am right on schedule.
The whole day, I had been bitching complaining under my breath and being frustrated about running behind, my brutal divorce and all that. At the end of the day, like my friend said ,“I was right on schedule.” Right where I was supposed to be when God needed me to be there despite my complaining and valiant efforts at navigating traffic to not be.
Does it matter if she was a White, Black or Hispanic woman? Christian, Muslim or Buddhist? Good mother, Good wife, bad wife? Cheated on her taxes? Lied to her best friend that day? Ran a yellow light? Yelled at her dog? Parked in a handy cap spot? Nope. None of that mattered. All that mattered was when her body failed. I was the answer to someone’s prayer for her. It had occurred when I got home that night. Someone, somewhere, loved her and prayed for her. Maybe it was her neighbor, her kid, someone at the grocery store standing next to her, her mother, her friend from work??? I may never know. She may never know. It started there. It was not about me. It was about that person’s prayers. God listened and God answered someone’s prayers. Does it matter that at the time, my whole life was a complete shit show? Not at all to God and Ms. Liberty. God more than able to make us the Miricale in the mess. Every mistake I made in my life was perfect to save that womans life at the end of the day.
I pray for people every day. I write a gratitude list every day and rarely do I put myself on it. My prayer list has at minimum 30 different people that I pray for. Its rotating and when one person’s prayers are answered, I add another. Chances are if you are reading this. You have made that list at some point. I have never spoke to some people on my list. It’s my hope and prayer that IF any of you. Any of you, who are on my list or happen to be reading this page right now. IF any of you have a moment like the lady, I met in the parking lot?
I pray someone else’s life is just messy enough or is running late enough or having just enough of a bad day to be……. right on schedule…. to be the Miracle for you.
Remember, No matter how crazy this world is, Even if you don’t believe in God or Prayer. You quite possibly are the answer to someone’s prayer. Someone, somewhere, you may never meet or even know their name is praying for you to be there for someone they love so very much.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. And don’t forget, when someone ask you what time it is,

- Angels (10)
- Beyond Space and Time (13)
- Fulfillment. (42)
- Jedi (7)
- Life (55)
- Love (42)
- Miracles (42)
- Prophecy (24)
- Right on Schedule (35)
- THE DUDE (17)
- The Power of God (42)
- Treasure (42)
24 responses to “Right on Schedule”
That’s an inspiring story Andy. Have a wonderful weekend.
You as well friend. Its truly by the Grace of God.
Im sure President Trump could relate to this story as much as anyone. Look at all he went through to save another Lady Liberty.
I will tell you right now, the section in this book titled: Miracles
Is Absolutely Astounding!
I never read anything like it.
It defines a Miracle as “The Extraordinary Power of God to surpass the forces and laws of Nature and Element.
It clearly says “Miracles are the Seal of Divinity. Jesus whole life was an uninterrupted succession of Miracles. The United States of America has a Constitution, and the uninterrupted succession of Miracles is The Constitution of The Gospel.”
I had to take a step back from it, because the words will jump off the page Infront of me as I read it. I never seen any other book do that. Where the words within it dance off the pages above it. You can see them dancing in the air or hovering above the pages.
It is Absolutely Astounding!
Example I was reading on one page on the left side of the open book about a Miracle and out of the corner of my eye the words Nothing but Pleasure and Luxury floated off the page on the right side of the book. They became bold while they floated there. I looked over having not read that page yet and could see them floating 6 inches above the page in the book. I pushed my chair back because it freaked me out and the words floated back into the book. when they enterd back into the book they stopped being bolded. I had to step outside, clean my glasses and take a breath.
I came back in and picked up where I left off reading and when I got to the other side where those words are written Nothing but Pleasure and Luxory and all the sudden the words Now you see floated off the left side page of the book about 6 inches off the page and became bolded. I looked over right at them and could see them floating right there 6 inches above the other words in the book. Now you see all bold letters… Like they came alive. Then I returned to where I was reading, and they floated back into the book to where they were before and became regular print again.
I have never seen anything like that ever in my life. never seen that ever in any other book I have ever read. and I read a lot of books in my life, John.
Absolutely Astounding! Took my breath away.
I think that has to do with the stern warning in the beginning of this book. That if you are not found worthy of it and read it, it would drive that person insane.
You would have to be tested over a period of time to be found worthy of it. Spiritually mature enough to read it.
I think if someone not spiritually mature enough read this book, different words would float off the pages for them who are found unworthy of it, with dire consequences.
It clearly states: The Queen of Heaven Herself protects this book. One must be found saturated with Supernatural Love to be worthy of Her Presence.
Super Amazing stuff!
After reading that entire chapter, I went back through that chapter Titled: Miracles.
I wasn’t looking directly focused at each line on the pages. Just looking at each the pages in this book of Weighty Words On High Authority.
And again, these words floated off the pages Infront for me. Alive, Dancing and Hovering above the book.
Pleasure and luxury
This age of Liberty (interesting to note the girls name in this story above)
Now you see
It is
Ok, cool. Thanks God!
I accept.
I receive.
This is absolutely fascinating.
I can’t recall if the term might be “living book” or “illuminated manuscript” but it sounds like the book contains great wisdom and the words that you’re seeing are meant for you. Are those words contained within blocks of other text or are the separate bordered by gold/silver leaf.
Certain things in certain books have caught my eye before but I have Honestly only seen this happen once before.
As i laying in bed last night i did see this one other time. 2 months ago, I had another book laying Infront of me and i wasn’t directly looking at it, i was day dreaming about something else and the words “make me a winner!” Floated off Infront of me.
I had to look in the book to see if they were there. And they were. Somehow, I had skimmed over them.
This was a little different because it happened before I read the words and after I read some of the words. The letters of the words became embolden (pronounced) as they floated over the page. Those words were written on the pages with other words. Yet, just those words came alive and floated off the page above it. I could even see the blank spot where they came from underneath them in the paragraphs below. They danced above the page, like how a flame dances upon its candle wick
Then when i returned my focus to where i was reading, they floated back into the book and laid back in it where they were before. And had been for 149 years.
So i woke up this morning I was reviewed the last few days. This is the chain of events:
I found a sticker that read,
Then I found a King Lion Stuffed animal that has a star coming out of its mouth. (Speaking light?)
The next day I found Del Monte Gold Pineapple label that has a tractor towing 4 wagons in the wagons it says Goodness, you can, taste and around the tractor it has a circle that says Planet, People, Produce. It has the number 6 on the top corner with a gold circle around it.
The Sixth Day
God said, “I command the earth to give life to all kinds of tame animals, wild animals, and reptiles.” And that’s what happened. 25 God made every one of them. Then he looked at what he had done, and it was good.
God said, “Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures.”
When i got in my car after I found that Lable, this song comes on the radio.
International Harvester
Then I go to the gym. After working out, as i am walking out to my car i this blue ticket blows across the parking lot and lands Infront of me, that says
I 🙂
With a smiley face next to the letter I. and the number 876760 is on it.
Then I came home, took a shower and a nap. Then started reading that old book in the section titled: Miracles written originally in the year 1203 by Saint Francis of Assisi
And these words:
Pleasure And Luxury
This Age Of Liberty
Now You See
It Is
floated off the page in front of me as if they came to life and danced above the book, as I was reading it.
Then, it did it again as I was just flipping the pages and looking at them in a general way. Not really focusing on reading the pages,
Pleasure And Luxury
This Age Of Liberty
Now You See
It Is
and I focused on them as they danced above the pages. Kinda like how a candles flame dances.
The outside of the pages are not golden, they are green. There is an emerald green around the book that has been somewhat worn off due to how old it is.
Like I said someone ripped the cover off. As if to hide that they had it.
In front of the book, it says only a total of 88 copies of this book were ever printed. The one i have is was printed as #8
I do not know if Pope Leo XIII singed all the copies, but He did sign mine on page #11.
I also do not know if the other 87 copies still in existence.
So that is the series of events as they happened up to last night.
So in the not-too-distant future, I will personnally see What THE DUDE is going to manifest in my life as result of this combination.
The forward of that chapter Titled: Miracles is written by someone else using modern (1890’s Modern) context.
However, The chapter is written by Saint Francis.
I don’t know if it comes from one of his other writings or not, but it does credit Saint Francis as penning the chapter.
Your words inspire me to return to the submission to the power. I too Have been gifted with abilities but they had become too “ heavy” and demanding for me to maintain and still work for a living in the world.
My prayer lists had stopped except immediate family. It appears the doors are opening again because I come here to read your words. The Bible gives me amazing answers so Guides are ever present.
And I am admitting to curiosity about the book you are reading!
Thank you for sharing this. May many others come here and learn.
Thank you for your reply, Connie. Even Jesus took off to the mountains time to time to be alone and refresh His spirit.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Did you ever read my old website? if you did, you know what it created, not just for me, but for many others…..
Thank you! I did not see all on your old website, please direct me there! Liking this website!
There is comfort in not being “the only”!
That other website was about predicting the future. This website is the future.
It taught me a lot and I experienced much fruit from it.
I’m a whole different person and in whole different place in life than when I created the other site. I certainly have many more upgraded tools and I am more balanced, having Far Greater Capacity.
I may transfer some of the stories about real life miracles here, such as the one above.
We are all on This Journey together. This is all about THE DUDE and what HE can do.
You are not alone.
Ha ha ha ha. I answered you. .
I went did the dishes in the kitchen, made some oatmeal so ate something before the gym.
I said give me a vision of my future.
The started cleaning up the area of my studies,
I had placed something with Great Potential in value inside that book.
I moved it over with another stack of books
And it shot out that book and into right my hand.
Ha ha ha ha ha. O.K.
i accept the offer. Thank you!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Heading to the gym and then airfying up some chicken after, then to a friends birthday party.
There may even be a few Hopi Elders reading as well. 🙂
And just like that, a call just came for my prayer help! lol. Love how it works. Thank you Andy for being you.
There is much in your experience to appreciate and meditate on there Andy that I don’t have the words for now.
About the book, a green hue around the edges could be where metal clasps, hinges or decorations made of brass or copper oxidized. reacting to moisture in air, somewhere damp basement, attic, or library might do it. A green hue around the edges might be from iron gall ink used in old manuscripts reacting to acidic paper (which may yellow or brown with age) or it could be a copper based ink if the paper is a whiter color..
There were about 85-90 bishops is the USA around 1890. As the papal nuncio, the book’s author would’ve been responsible to share communications between the dioceses and Rome. There are a few dioceses in the Northwest that no longer exist and cities grew and dioceses were reproportioned.
I can tell you; it wasn’t sent to only Bishops in the US. It was sent to various Cardinals, Bishops and others around the world.
It mentions their names in the first pages. Some of the books were sent to priests who held the title of: Seraph.
I’m watching Ghostbusters 2 now and they entered a room of brass. Someone mentioned that brass is used to for protecting contents. It seems to safeguards sacred knowledge, shielding it from unwanted influences. That brass oxides green.
To be more specific, it’s the new Ghostbusters 2 with their grandkids. The original stars are in it though, and they entered the rare books archive hidden under the NYC library, lol
This just came on my Twitter
“[L]iberty is to be regarded as legitimate in so far only as it affords greater facility for doing good, but no farther.”
Aside the the Trump’s post of the Saint Michael prayer in September, I don’t remember ever seeing anything on my Twitter feed sourced from Pope Leo XIII before.
Thank you!
Fyi: I’m not really catholic. I just have the book. Lol
I find The Book very fascinating,
I am very honored to be found worthy of its company. It is a super cool book. A Real Treasure!
Nothing happens by mistake in God world. I know I was found worthy of The Book and received it for a reason. If I wasn’t? I wouldn’t have received it.
and yet, There it is!
That being said, this is not a Catholic website. lol Jesus was not catholic. Jesus is The Son of God and so am I.
I just want to be clear about that.
Could be Brass. That sounds right. I re-counted the number of who it was all sent to because they are listed but not numbered. The total is not 88. It is 73. The total amount of copies produced is 73. I dont know why i thought 88. I recounted it. 73 is the total copies produced.
Which makes sense because according to this book, Mary, (Jesus Mom), lived to age 73. Where when she passed from this world she hadnt aged at all, like Jesus, Enoch and Moses (who didnt age) and were taken into heaven and her body was never burried.
I have book #8 of the 73 total, that were made.
I never spent much time stydying Mary Mother of God. Queen of Heaven.
I do find it interesting her body never aged. I read the same thing about Enoch and Moses. Although they lived a long time, there bodys never aged. Still looking like they did in their prime even after many years of living.
And when it was time for her to go, Angels came down from heaven and took her up. Just like Jesus and the other fellas.
Pretty interesting stuff.
Its been along time since i watched Ghost Busters. Haha
Enjoy! Im heading to the gym to do arms, shoulders and run.
Mary (Jesus Mom has always been special to me).
73… The Catholic Bible has 73 books. 46 Old Testament, 27 New Testament. I think there’s also 73 psalms by David.