Two Empires present in one World

Big Pharma offers you a binary choice found in pills. I do not offer you a red pill or a blue pill. The Truth can not be found in a pill.

Two Kingdoms. Empires That exist in this world with completely different destinations,



12 responses to “Two Empires present in one World”

  1. John Avatar

    I’m watching the film Count of Monte Cristo right now with the family. Dantes is in the prison cell just after meeting the Abbot there’s a quote: “All human wisdom is contained in these two words – Wait and Hope.” It reminds me of having patience and trusting in God.

    We can let peace, love, and goodness grow over time—not rushing or forcing things, but allowing love, compassion, and goodness to guide us. It’s like how Dantes changes from being consumed by his vengeance into someone who begins to understand the deeper currents of life and fate.

  2. John Avatar

    After switching away from the film tonight we turned on the first episode of the third season of the TV Series “From”. In the first couple minutes one of the main stars is transported to a small town (by some supernatural power… it’s a Stephen King story). She walks up a street that seems vaguely familiar to me, she stares into a shop window, and then walks into the small shop. It’s the store that my Dad owned for about 13 years and where I worked in high school.

    I knew the series is filmed in the woods about a half hour away but my parents and I were all taken by surprise that our old store is in the story. God is incredible.

    1. John Avatar

      Forgot that the scene immediately cuts away to Leonard Cohen singing “Que Sera Sera whatever will be will be”.

    2. Andrew Avatar

      Wow! I love hearing that stuff! That is a fine example of living and operating within The One Kingdom. Thank you for sharing that with me and everyone else John. It also confirms the nature of the work I am doing here and the reason for the creation of this site. Later today, We will delve deeper into exactly that. I have thousands upon thousands of true to life examples of exactly this. Some are so mind blowing they bend reality, space and time. The first example, I will give later today, will prove that the entirety of humanity, all its decisions, choices, accidents, actions and mistakes (no matter their intent) is conspiring to and aiding the ushering in of The One Kingdom.

      I just got home from Church and need to get to the gym. lol

  3. Connie Avatar

    Thank you for being a word of light for us. Your words feed my soul. The Dude has been part of my life from the beginning but it is way too easy to get off track with all that is offered. Thank you for reminding me of how it feels!

    1. Andrew Avatar

      Hi Connie, the whole world is moving in a new direction now. You can feel it. One Snapshot look at the world as it was a year prior to the US Election and one snapshot look now, and you can see the contrast difference. It is my greatest hope that this creation, will aid in others finding direction in their journey as we navigate so much change. The old Kingdom, Empire or Paradigm is falling to its death, and The One Kingdom is emerging and rapidly rising to life.

  4. John Avatar

    Something you wrote elsewhere recently reminded me of the story of Longinus

    Longinus was the soldier that pierced Christ on the cross with a spear that became known as “the spear of destiny”. Conventional thought was that Longinus became the one of the first Roman converts to Christianity and later a martyr. According to some traditions however, Longinus, after his conversion, was said to have lived for centuries as an immortal, sometimes even appearing in later events in Christian history. These legends often cast him as a penitent, either blessed or cursed forever seeking redemption for his role in Jesus’ death.

    Barry Sadler created a fictional pulp book series about him called under the title “Casca”.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      I haven’t had much time to spend reviewing that old book, I received this weekend. I will hopefully get sometime to read more of it this week. It is sitting right Infront of me, Now. Perhaps there is something in it that speaks about Longinus, since it seems to cover everything else and then some. That books is huge and has so much knowledge in it. Deep Rich knowledge. The kind you can only eat a bite at a time.

      Blocks removed.

      THE DUDE prodding me in this direction, creating with Him, here.

      1. John Avatar

        I understand the prodding. I’ve had situations where I’ve posted something to a site and it didn’t post or emailed something that I’d regret and it didn’t arrive. I take them as signs that I wasn’t supposed to do it.

        On March 5th for reached out on Facebook for the first time to Manfred who writes the Amanita newsletter. At the exact second I sent it, Facebook crashed worldwide for over two hours. I took this as a bad omen.

        1. Andrew Avatar

          Good Morning, That is pretty wild bout the facebook crash.

          I just finished my morning prayer and meditation. I have this ongoing dialog with microwave across from me when I pray. While I am praying it starts doing weird things. I spend most of my time praying for others and don’t often pray for myself other than THY WILL, THY LOVE, THY POWER and THY WAY OF LIFE. I have been getting quit a bit of feedback from others about THE DUDE answering my prayers for them. I was praying for a friend to experience a Miricale having to do with Money, because they were experiencing hardship and the next day they had a super well-paying job fall into their lap. Answer to my prayers for them. And a bunch of other answered prayers I have been praying for others have come true. Another friend was on away on a long business trip and was told he had to stay until Thanksgiving. He had been gone from home for 20 days and sure wanted to come home early and spend time with his daughter before Thanksgiving. So I prayed That God would make a way from him to come home on Sunday not Wednesday to spend time with his daughter. He called me last night and said he would be home on Sunday night, see and spend time with his daughter today. Answer to my prayers for him. and several other answers to prayers for others have been answered.

          I find it very interesting when I am deep in prayer for people on my list, the Microwave starts doing its own thing. For example, this morning, while I was deep in prayer for someone on my list, all the sudden, the Micorwave directly across the kitchen from me, set itself to power 7 and its timer to 1 second then starts up on its own. It counts down one second and then dings.

          I know it’s some sort of Energy thing. Some Spiritual force that is activating the microwave across the kitchen from me, while I sit at the Breakfast bar deep in prayer 20 feet directly across from it. Although I have no idea what it means. It must mean something. ha ha ha.

          Like your example John, where exactly the second you sent it, Facebook crashed. I don’t take anything as a bad Omen. I take it as a lesson learned. For those of us who walk with closely with God, both the bad and the good work to our advantage. God is above Good and Bad. He uses both to perfect our faith.

          and just like that, it starts raining money into my life like it’s some sort of biblical event.

          Moving forward.

          I am open to receive. I am open to receive. I abundantly receive.

          1. Andrew Avatar

            I will say, although I do not pray often for myself, sometimes I completely forget to pray anything for me at all when I am praying.

            One day I going to the gym and the parking lot was super packed! I was driving around and prayed, DUDE help me get a front row parking space! I went around the corner, and someone was leaving, and I got the very front row spot. I have had that same exact front row parking space ever since. Every time I go to the gym that same exact spot is open, 4 months later! hahahhahahah

            Okay! Cool! Thanks DUDE!

    2. Andy Avatar

      Above I wrote, “the other empire faded away to ash in a bonfire.”

      Then this,

      BREAKING:” A Rothschild family member, reportedly identified as Will Rothschild, has died in a house fire in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles – KABC”

      Confirmation: The Destruction of the other Kingdom has began.



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